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Comment Re:A tacit admission... (Score 1, Informative) 77

C++ has undefined behavior and inconsistencies abound (error prone). Also, the exceptions mechanism doesn't make it a particularly useful systems programming language. Oh, yes, you can turn exceptions off, but in such cases there's no viable replacement and you simply get something useless when otherwise an exception would have occurred. Also, have you ever had the luxury of debugging templates or macros?

Rust, has none of the issues of C++, with everything that made C++ good implemented the right way. With rust it's a lot harder to get vague errors. The compiler will yell at you if you make a mistake.

One of the nicest things with rust is its editions scheme. When you start a new project, you are required to tell the build system which version of rust you are using; rust will then use that edition for your entire project. And, yes, you can link across editions, so your dependencies actually work.

You do not use garbage collected languages at the core of your OS, so a rewrite in rust is good in and of itself. I hope Microsoft does a complete redesign of the affected components as well, because 90% of performance problems are caused by bad implementations, not by the actual language being used. You can make a program which crawls along in assembly and a program which flies in java, you just need to know what you're doing.

Comment Hard work + good decisions = success (Score 1) 287

These people had the same start like us.
We [b]ALL[/b] come into this world naked.
If you were dealt a bad hand, you can still win.
Luck doesn't exist. Hard work and good decisions do.
Besides, money isn't the only metric for success. Actually, it's a rather poor metric for success.
You can't eat money (well... it's not intended to be eaten), it will never love you, and it will most certainly not help your relations.
Success is best measured by happiness and results, not by money.

Comment This is fixed (Score 1) 221

By suing the PERSONS responsible for the malware. Yes, that means the people at the top of the manufacturer, because they made the deliberate decision to implement said malware.

Watch how the manufacturer all of a sudden becomes VERY nice when their entire board of directors gets sued into oblivion.

Comment Alternative app stores a solution perhaps? (Score 3, Insightful) 28

There are quite a few alternatives to the play store. Epic apparently thinks the play store is a monopoly, but clearly there are alternatives which function just as well.

On top of that, side loading is also a thing on Android.

All they need to do is to provide instructions on their website and they're all set.

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