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Comment Re:Hangings (Score 2) 1160

The point for length of punishment is to completely disconnect the person from their previous life and then rehabilitate them by rebuilding it. Not making their life not worth living.

It's the difference between justice systems and their goals. US justice system is about revenge, which is a common theme for countries that had their justice system built based on frontier, low resource justice.
Most of the EU justice system is built on rehabilitation, which is more common in countries with long histories and more resources to spend on individuals.

Comment Re:the point of diminishing returns? (Score 1) 91

Not any time soon. We're still massively constrained on GPU front even with current graphics. And people making games want things like ray-tracing, which means that GPUs will have to make an order of magnitude jump before they even begin thinking about saturation.

The reason why 560Ti (the card I'm using as well at the moment) is still functional is because most games are made for consoles, or at least with consoles in mind. And consoles are ancient.
Requirements on PC-only/PC optimized/next gen console games pretty much kick the card's ass at the moment. Same goes for trying to play at stable 60fps or playing at higher resolutions.

Comment Re:Intel (Score 2) 91

Unlikely simply due to memory bus limitations alone. Then there's the whole drivers elephant in the room.

Frankly, it's unlikely that intel even wants in on that market. The costs of entering GPU market to the point where they can threaten mid end and above discreet GPUs are astronomical and may require it to cross-license with nvidia to the point where nvidia will want x86 cross licensing - something intel will never do.

What is likely is that intel and AMD will completely demolish the current low end GPU market with their embedded solutions, while nvidia/amd discreet solutions are pushed up in speed and quality.

Comment Re:Viruses? Oh dear... (Score 1) 148

Not really, no. It will take you forever to press "right, right, right" just to navigate to tile across the screen. The entire point of tiles is that you can poke your finger at any point of the screen at any given time.

This does not apply to controller input, voice input or gestures. You can do some things with voice input by making shortcuts, but that is a very limited control scheme for tiles. Other two are simply terrible.

Controller/keyboard = tree based menus (were all but removed from W8 in favor of tiles, one of the biggest usability complaints).
Voice input = clear differentiated names on each object on the screen, such as for example a number.
Gesture based input = Typically functions similar to controller/keyboard in most implementations. Can be used as poor man's touch in some situations, but is woefully inaccurate and frustrating in that usage scheme.

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