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Comment Re: Who cares about the big bang (Score 5, Informative) 109

According to some theories, some remains of a pre-big-bang state may have remained in the form of certain irregularities in the matter in the universe. Studying the big bang in ever greater detail and more accurate models can put bounds on such processes. By studying the distribution of mass and background radiation in the observable universe and comparing them to these statistical bounds we can discard or validate such theories.

So yes, this can be relevant to whatever might have been before the big bang.

Comment In case you are wondering what this means (Score 3, Informative) 20

O-RAN is a digital antenna. It takes a chunk if radio spectrum and digitizes it with an analog-to-digital converter, and vice versa. It is an antenna connected with 100G ethernet.

Everything else about the 5G network is software running on virtualized hardware. Not too different than any other VM you might have in the cloud, with the exception of some real-time guarantees, management and being physically closer to antenna for lower latency (tens of km rather than the more typical hundreds or thousands of km to the regional aws datacenter)

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