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Comment Re:50-fold savings? (Score 1) 305

And BTW, as long as you're standing on my lawn, may I remind you that my own high school's expenditure on servers was exactly zero? How's that for savings?

Wow, 4486, I thought my user-ID was old! . My HS had one server - a disgusting Netware server with Tolkin Ring to IBM PS/2s. We had DOS and we liked it. I tell ya, kids these days are spoiled rotten.

Comment About time (Score 1) 751

The Protection of Children Act 1978, includes provisions in which it is illegal to create an indecent image or a 'pseudo-image' of a child... which a full body scanner does."

I'm glad that one of these stupid "think of the children" laws is finally biting them. We've made too many regulations with the "think of the children" argument.

One of my personal pet peeves, is the booster seat, required in the US, for riders under the age of 8. I think there is dirty politics at play, but aside from that, it would have been much less burdensome on the population to simply require that new cars have adjustable seat belts, and grandfather in existing cars. Instead, they require the purchase of these seats for every rider. No longer can the coach of a child's sports team take the team to get ice cream after a game, without having a booster seat for every kid.

Its a very freedom limiting regulation.

Duke Nukem 3D Ported To Nokia N900 95

andylim writes "It looks as if Duke Nukem isn't completely 'nuked' after all. Someone has ported the 90s classic on to a Nokia N900. As you'll see in the video, you control Duke using the Qwerty keypad and shoot using the touchscreen. I'm wondering how long it will take for this to get on other mobile platforms." In other Duke news, reader Jupix points out that 3D Realms' CEO Scott Miller recently said, "There are numerous other Duke games in various stages of development, several due out this year. We are definitely looking to bring Duke into casual gaming spaces, plus there are other major Duke games in production."

Comment Re:Stop using trees for paper - use hemp! (Score 1) 207

Who the hell modded this as flamebait? Go look for yourself:

The people that mod this as flamebait are the same people that are the reason hemp and other alternatives will never see the light of day.

Comment Re:All admins (Score 1) 502

Except when they still ass rape you for killing their system. Yes, this happens.

I remember reading "in UNIX, you can kill a parent and its children...", but I think I missed the part about ass rape..... Time for a new career, I think.


Haskell 2010 Announced 173

paltemalte writes "Simon Marlow has posted an announcement of Haskell 2010, a new revision of the Haskell purely functional programming language. Good news for everyone interested in SMP and concurrency programming."

Comment Re:Its to do with people with the wrong keyboard . (Score 1) 284

How exactly do you think you'll be able to type in a URL in mandarin or russian on west european keyboard?

You enable Chinese keyboard layout (dunno what's it called), and type it. The letters printed on the keys of your keyboard aren't some sort of magic that lets your computer input languages written in them, you know.

I don't have any keyboards with Russian characters on them, but I happily type in Russian regardless

I'm happy you'll do this. I won't, and the majority of the internet users won't either. It'll just further separate nations, because I won't go through the hassle of typing in a foreign character domain name - it'll just a site I won't visit.

Comment It is after all, a developing nation (Score 1) 239

But if you live in the developing world, a UNCTAD report paints your picture pretty grim. Ridiculously high bandwidth costs are inhibiting developing nations from enjoying productive use of the internet — like online banking and market tools."

I don't want to sound like a meanie, but by definition, that is a developing nation. We all had to start somewhere and develop into what we are today.

Someone needs to stop thinking broadband is a right. Its not. TV isn't. Radio isn't. You aren't born with a right to broadband internet access.

Comment Re:CARB, necessary evil (Score 1) 762

You're going to mod me as a troll, when you can google for "John Holdren sterilze" and you'll find exactly what I'm talking about. The green movement and the environmental movement are dangerous because there are powerful people there that firmly believe people are the problem, and there should be less of them on this planet.

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