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Comment Re:Completely And Utterly Wrong (Score 1) 835

You haven't presented 'facts'. You have presented interpretation and insinuation under the guise of impartiality. Persons like that are almost invariably wedded to their particular viewpoint and not worth the time. I'll pick an exemplar of where I think you are particularly wrong. You'll either minimize my criticism or point out that I didn't respond to the remainder of your laundry list. Boring. BTDT.

Comment Re:Bullies like being bullies (Score 1) 835

That's not quite what GP is referring to. He is referring to government employees being immune, individually, against civil suits. As an example, the cops referred to in this article are likely immune from civil suits as their actions fall under their role as government agents. Sure, you can sue the NYPD, but even if they lose, who gives a shit? NYPD will pass the bills back to the city (?) who will pass it on to the taxpayer, either in the form of increased taxes or decreased services elsewhere. Only in exceptional cases will the asshat in the PD be held liable.

Comment Re:IRS Too? (Score 1) 835

You sounds like a bit of a fool to be honest. Your line of reasoning is something along the lines of:

Someone from a country where something bad is happened is criticizing my country so I must attack him and defend my own country!

That is idiotic and people like you are the reason SWAT teams run rampant. People like you are looking for any excuse to declare that your country as better than anywhere else and further use that as an excuse to feel that everything is OK.

It isn't. Actually try to observe things as they are and compare them to your own moral standards.

Give me a fucking break. 99% of the people on the internet (caution, invented statistic) are tribalistic turds who think their country is better than all the rest.

Comment Re: Pissed Off Wife, 20 years (Score 1) 19

But vastly more women are raped by acquaintances then are those using rape charges as a weapon.

Unlike some MHRAs, I don't totally discount that. Too many women in my life who have been raped. (And they are some of the people I know most offended at my ex wife's behaviour.) Anyway, what were we talking about: Oh, yeah, this woman in FL. IMNSHO, rather than focusing on the rather narrow issues of SD and SYG, how about we point out that her shitty sentence was/is due to mandatory minimums. (Although some reading on the subject indicated that this as well as SYG were a result of judicial abuse in not punishing drug criminals in the early 80's.)

Comment Re:Simple thought experiment: (Score 1) 22

One of the jurors said yesterday that SYG was the reason for the verdict and said she'd like to see SYG repealed.

That juror was retarded, sir.

It's also not an answer to my overarching question, rather a fig leaf used to avoid it.

Comment Re:It's not about the money (Score 2) 467

The panic is that they clearly have no viable plan for participating in the mobile revolution. They have lost control of the platform.

Windows Phone is growing faster in sales than Android and iOS. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

How are you measuring that? Growing from 1 unit sold to 10 units sold yields a more impressive percent gain than moving from 900,000 units sold to 1,000,000 units sold, but who could argue, straight faced, that it's relevant?

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