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Comment Foreign Data Laws Should Level the Playing Field. (Score 1) 37

If targeting tiktok leads to better privacy laws and regulations to prevent data about Americans being sent overseas without informed consent then that is good. If it is a one-off and China and other countries get all sorts of data on us via American companies selling it to some subsidiary to launder... then still bad. We need to level the playing field for US companies and make sure that data about our personal habits doesn't get sent overseas where it can be used for espionage and hacking operations

Comment Re: Who is surprised by this? (Score 3, Informative) 168

Reading the story. They gene sequenced the virus the second time and found it was a different strain. So reinfection with a different strain is at least possible after 4 months in 1 case.

Really the question is whether previous infection is as good as a vaccine, so people needed bother with a vaccine. Not whether it is 100% effective.

Comment Re: For those still stuck in the 1950's Red Scare (Score 1) 145

The US should ban all data about Americans from being transmitted outside the US and impose large fines on violators. Leave people free of course to transmit their own data willingly with full disclosure. If a company wants to do business in America, then locate here. And if a company wants to collect data then detail what they are collecting.

Comment Re: Face masks (Score 1) 356

I think we can say for certain that this is the most political viral outbreak in US history.

Most of the world has pretty much followed the same policies and gotten different results based on everything from weather to population patterns, to how many people were already infected when testing finally ramped up. And all we can see from both sides is criticism of the others side's handling.

The truth is that most of the world screwed this one up. South Korea is a bright example of doing things right. While it seems some smaller countries got lucky because they are small and not as densely populated. The rest are a real mixed bag.

Comment Re:Of course.... (Score 1) 221

The correct approach is a subscription alert based model with path data kept on the phone: Most smartphones are smart enough to run through a list of locations you have been and see if they match any of the alerted locations.

We need exposure alerts like we need tornado or other weather alerts. They don't need to track my every move to send out an alert to a geographic area. At a certain place at a certain time you need to be aware of the potential increased risk and take appropriate actions. We should have such alerts for all sorts of report-able contagious illnesses not just COVID-19. Your phone could auto subscribe to the local alerts based on where you have been. All they need to know is some anonymous user is subscribing to alerts in that area.

What we don't need is government or third-parties hoovering up public health data to add to their treasure troves of advertising data so along with the creepy Facebook recommendations about who you might like to be friends with based on your shared location history... you can also get a recommendation for a coronavirus test. No I don't I want Facebook and everyone else knowing my medical and location history. They already have too much data about me as it is. If I was tempted to turn off my phone before, I would absolutely turn off my phone if agreeing (or not agreeing) to universal surveillance was the only option.

We cannot allow a temporary danger to permanently set us back hundreds of years in Liberty.

Comment Re:Useful advice? (Score 1) 270

At this point we have to start going by mathematical models. Which is how they get flu deaths per year in the first place because not everyone that dies of the flu is tested for the flu and the local/state/national reporting systems are shit.

Expecting governments (US, Italy, other governments) to ramp up an already crappy system in a few weeks was probably hubris to begin with, but I had hoped.

About the only place that appears to be doing a good job is South Korea. And I wouldn't trust the China numbers at all since it is state mandated that they level off and go down... so surprise that is what they report.

At this point I am hoping that reporters will start asking for total deaths and compare them over previous years. And then look at hospital capacity. Those are really the only two bottom line metrics I think we have a chance in the next few weeks of making useful right now.

All the other numbers are for complete shit and won't be reliable for at least weeks if ever.

Comment Re:Necessity in an emergency should always win. (Score 1) 367

Necessity in a real life or death emergency should always win out over the law. And if the law doesn't bend then it is the right of the people to make it bend.

I think it will in this case. The people 3D printing these things don't seem to be printing them for profit or to avoid buying them at $11K each. Where the company may have lost sales, it was for items they couldn't supply in the first place. Something tells me that the courts will take the situation into account and may find in favor of the complaint, but it won't be for much. After all, the guys doing this are unlikely to be worth anything. Winning a billion dollar suit is meaningless if the loser hasn't a penny to give you and will just go bankrupt.

And it is hard to pay for a lawsuit if the company is bankrupt.

Comment Re:Sooner or later (Score 2) 280

The USA is overdue for a recession, based on historical patterns. It will come eventually, if not now. The current administration should have focused on paying down the deficit instead of tax cuts so that we could have more room for stimuli when the inevitable recession comes.

I'm for a balanced budget amendment because Washington DC has shown they have no long-term discipline. The amendment should take Keynesian economics into consideration. And it should kick in gradually to avoid shocking the economy.

The Federal Reserve has a literal infinite capacity to create money. The risk is inflation. We need to get out of the notion that we are ever going to pay back our Federal Debt with taxation or balance the budget under any circumstances while also servicing debt.

It would be downright unethical and undemocratic to try and force people to pay back decades of spending that they may not have been even alive to vote for. The best thing the Federal Reserve could start doing is to pay back debt from its accounts when debt is payed down rather than continue to maintain this false sense of indebtedness. Keeping a false set of books as a PR exercise is just eroding any sense that the debt is real or has any effect... because it isn't real and it doesn't have any effect.

It is time to unwind the debt. Put money directly from the Federal Reserve into people's hands through a universal basic income rather than through predatory trickle down lending. Make money and the economy ours again.

Comment The US is a socialist/communist country (Score 1) 445

One thing that always strikes me in these arguments is that somehow people are oblivious to the fact that the US has already to a very large degree implemented communist and socialist policies. If I had to put a number on it, the US is 50% free market and 50% socialist/communist.

The free market is good at incentivizing people to produce an over abundance via the profit motive.

The government is sometimes good at forcing people to comply with rules and rationing fixed resources.

Comment Re:Remember YACC? (Score 1) 107

Seems like the primary purpose of creating new languages is so you can sell books and training and get rid of highly paid experienced software engineers because they have the same amount of experience in that new language as teenagers who took a 6 week course over the Summer.

Comment Re:AS long as they do the same in China (Score 4, Interesting) 234

AS long as they do the same in China


Although, if they don't do the same in China, and build back doors for the Chinese government, then that would invariably mean that US intelligence service would get access to the phones of Chinese citizens. So the US government shouldn't be making that argument.

This isn't just about privacy from our own US government, this is about security from bad actors including foreign intelligence services. It should be noted that the US government and their contractors use plenty of iPhones. If Apple built in back doors to iPhones for the US government, then it would mean foreign intelligence would ultimately get access too.

On balance that is a very bad deal for US government interests to better and more easily monitor a few bad actors (in this case after the fact and they are already in jail) in exchange for giving our adversaries the capability to hack and undermine our free society.

And I would think that China would eventually learn to be wary of having its citizens being made more vulnerable to US (and other) hacking too. Weakening privacy is a small win, but big loss kind of deal.

Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 113

I have held all along that the direct violation of the 4th amendment is/was against the telecoms themselves in the case of obtaining transaction records. The violation against customers is the interference by the government in a legal contract. Customers have a right to be able to specify privacy against sharing data in a contract, an NDA, in all cases except a legal and constitutionally valid warrant.

Completely different when the government hacks a phone and physically places software on that phone in someone's possession. In that case it is a clear 4th amendment violation if there is no constitutionally valid warrant.

Comment Re:Let's be realistic - Long time Mac Pro user her (Score 2) 273

So, I currently have a reasonably maxed-out 2010 Mac Pro with 3.46GHz 6-Core Xeon, 48GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 2x2GB HD (along with USB3 & eSATA). I do software development that may require VMs, heavy photo editing for astrophotography etc, so this system has been quite limiting for a while now, however my requirements are not exotic. Looking into the new Mac Pro I'd go with this minimum:

3.3GHz 12-Core (the second slowest option - the others are just more cores, perhaps I could go up to 16?)
48GB RAM (match what I have minimum)
Minimum graphics (I only ever play something like Civ)
1TB SSD (minimum option at least as big as current)
Total: $7700

Coincidentally I just ran the inflation calculator on a $2,638 Apple IIe from 1983 and it works out to $6,812 in today's dollars... and I am thinking you are getting somewhat more utility.

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