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Comment Re:Greedy corporation is greedy ... ho-hum (Score 1) 48

It would be fair to say, that neither I nor my work colleagues, recommend ANY HP devices any longer.

So long as I don't want to get a phone call from a friend or reletive to do "free" product support - I don't recommend HP. Just waiting for my last printer to get magically bricked. Then I buy something else. And it won't be inkjet either.

HP have not only jumped the share, they've burnt goodwill and caused other to lose fait.

That being said, I note that Apple don't sell printers. Maybe not even they can make something reliable enough to sell to the masses?

Comment Re:Intuit and other leeches (Score 1) 235

Really, this is correct.

In case they haven't heard, entire industries and the individual suppliers are subject to the will of the people. And that includes the right to evict you from the rent seeking position they hold. There is no "god given" right for a company to earn money providing essential services - they can choose to not get in to that. Or fight on better features, easier to use, etc. And capitalism won't fall over in a heap because of this (it might still fall over, but this won't be the direct cause).

And, if the penalty for doing wrong is jail, and you _have_ to do it, then it is something that should be provided for free.

If you WANT, you can go the extra mile and get an accountant, or lawyer or use software, but there must be an ability to submit for free.

PS 1, I had heard (possibly incorrectly) that if one uses a tax agent/accountant/etc in the US, and they arse it up, then you're still on the hook. Ouch, that bad. In civilised countries, if you're honest and told all the info, then you have no penalty.

PS2 2, Wonder why there is no open source software for this, i mean, it can't be that hard for simple situations. I would try, but I am a crap programmer.

Comment Re:A consultant is you! (Score 2) 123

That bears repeating. 1st rule of IT, nothing is as permanent as a temporary solution.

I think that if you found 2 or three legacy skills, you can market the hell out of them. Fine if you don't have Cobol. Foxpro and the other xbase languages, Visual Basic (not the DotNet abomination, RPG and Rexx and others from various mini/mainframes might see you through.

Get a company started, then network. And ABOVE ALL QUOTE DOUBLE WHAT YOU THINK YOU DESERVE AND ADD 10%. You've saved for retirement, great. Now make sure it is one that gets made in to a movie. No one will employ someone just because it's cheep. "Wow, look at the rate, he/she must be good".

Comment Don't vote for the wrong lizard. (Score 1) 60

"Won't somebody think of the Children!" ... and protect the world from lawmakers such as this.

Disappointed but not surprised. It's one thing to say me and my party can do better than the opponents, or any other alternatives. But, blocking potentially useful legislation and to justify it, blatantly by claiming to hinder someone else, is beyond criminal. I hope the voters get a chance to give this lizard a swift kick in the soft legislative areas.

Yes, I know this (and by this i mean politics) happens in politics all the time, but it would not have hurt to at least pretend to be doing a good job on behalf of the electors.

Comment Re:For business people... (Score 1) 18

Distance, and online Universities have been around for more than 50 years. (Disclaimer, Graduate of the UK's The Open University). Distance education can provide big advantages for both the student and the provider. It's not for everyone. Nor is it suitable for every type of course, all the time. (Just like in the office, it isn't necessary for all education to be 100% in person, either).

It seems like the Meta version didn't live up to expectations. However, if the appropriate analysis is done, it can provide a lot of lessons for the next attempt. Perhaps the next attempt will succeed.

Not sure Meta will be a success. Or at least, not a "roaring success". But education is one niche that could work.

Comment Re:So are they force-installing Edge too? (Score 1) 113

I think I am going to need to use then an LTSC version to request certificates from MS certificate web services (internal PKI).

Internal PKI and WSUS really, really need a bit of TLC from MS. Not putting whitespace around every screen a dialog. Or moving notepad to a store app.

Comment Re:like Mac vs. Windows all over again (Score 1) 92

Once upon a time, MS didn't put much bloatware in. Almost none.

Now, you pay for the OS, and you need to remove the crap they put in. That others paid for to put in.

It was a nice feeling to receive some new kit, watch it boot. Laugh at the various Anti-Virus and hard disk optimisers offer you "Free trial" and collect your credit card. Then boot from clean media and blow it all away. Or Linux, or OS/2, or BSD if that's your kink.

No longer is it true "if it's free, YOU are the product", it's just "YOU are the product". Collecting a fee from you, for selling your info is just icing on the cake. While I wouldn't call Windows mega bloated with spyware 3rd party apps, it is still too bloated. (and not to forget the MS's own telemetry).

Comment Re:Poaching? (Score 1, Insightful) 135

This is the Disney tactic.

Steal from the Public Domain, then deny^W bribe congress to deny the "Public" the right to also benefit from the public domain.

How long is this data blackout period for? A week? A month? There will always be an experiment that needs "just a little longer" and then the blackout date is up to the date of the author's death and 90 years.

Still waiting for the next round of copyright extensions. I am sure that the lobbying is going on and the pockets are being lined. If copyright was in any way reasonable, say 2 years, 10 years, then i would have respect for it. As i will NEVER see any modern work fall out of copyright to build upon - then i have no respect. A reasonable compromise MIGHT be for abandoned works to be out of copyright after much, much shorter terms.

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