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Comment Re:online games (Score 1) 291

I would suggest that Sony and other developers base their statistical analysis on game time, etc. on the TRUE lifespan of a sold copy, including used sales, instead of solely on first-sale plays. Then they can come up with a true pricing model based on the very legal practice of the sale of used games, instead of trying to circumvent gamers' rights.

Comment Re:Before we start the flame wars (Score 1) 962

"For example, there was plenty of "evidence" that the sun and all planets orbit around the earth."

Unfortunately, the only available evidence was the BELIEF that the Earth was the center of the universe, that we were somehow special. Why did they believe that? Because they were told that the Bible told them so.

Scientists were also somewhat cowed by accusations and convictions of heresy - you don't challenge something that a HUGE power base is established around, if you value your career, well-being, or neck! We value Copernicus because he had the temerity to stand up for the *truth* and the evidence behind the truth...not the truth of the day.

Unfortunately, I think that's much like what we're seeing now. There is a HUGE power base around the environmental movement. Billions of dollars are being made on this - and they're not about to see their investments in power or capital returns reduced to nothing by something as troublesome as "the truth." Careers are being made and lost on this - and there's a lot of political wrangling around either side.

I'm not saying that there IS or IS NOT anthropomorphic global warming - I just think that there remains enough doubt about the subject that it warrants further investigation - and does NOT warrant panic, nor wholesale changes to current socio-economic norms....yet.

Comment Re:4 tens is awfully nice (Score 1) 287

This is why I like second shift even better than the normal day shift. I am typically up until midnight anyhow, and the ability to have a couple of daylight hours to get things done is very nice, especially in the wintertime, when it's just starting to get light at 8am, and already dark by 5pm.

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