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Comment Re:Spain made the first mistake move (Score 1) 363

Please, I am one of such children that was supposed to have been sistematically instilled a political agenda and until recently I did not want the independence, maybe to get rid of a monarchy and to make a more decentralized republican Spain but never to simply get out of it as of now. I can tell you I am quite pissed by what passes for government here but even more so for what we have in Spain that has been shitting on us for the last ten years.
Consider this, all my teachers have insisted that I think for myself and make my own decisions and contrary to what my parents had to endure in their youth I have not even once been coerced to do anything like what happened in Franco's education system.

Comment Re:Not smart, but it is right (Score 3, Informative) 363

How strange, as far as history goes Spain did not exist 500 years ago. Are you speaking about when Catalonia was united with the Aragon crown? That was a dynastic union where a Catalan baron inherited the Crown of Aragon. I would put the inflexion point in 1714 where Catalonia sided with Charles of Austia in the spanish succesion war and lost against Philip V who started a very repressive policy against catalans. Also, I find quite ironic that they call the independence movement as nazis when most of them are spanish fascists that revere Franco's Spain.

Submission + - Internet censorship in Catalonia (

valinor89 writes: Measures restricting free and open access to the Internet related to the independence referendum have been reported in Catalonia. There have been reports that major telecom operators have been asked to monitor and block traffic to political websites, and following a court order, law enforcement has raided the offices of the .CAT registry in Barcelona, examining a computer and arresting staff.

Submission + - SPAM: 6 seconds: How hackers only need moments to guess card number and security code 1

schwit1 writes: Criminals can work out the card number, expiry date and security code for a Visa debit or credit card in as little as six seconds using guesswork, researchers have found.

Fraudsters use a so-called Distributed Guessing Attack to get around security features put in place to stop online fraud, and this may have been the method used in the recent Tesco Bank hack.

According to a study published in the academic journal IEEE Security & Privacy, that meant fraudsters could use computers to systematically fire different variations of security data at hundreds of websites simultaneously.

Within seconds, by a process of elimination, the criminals could verify the correct card number, expiry date and the three-digit security number on the back of the card.

Mohammed Ali, a PhD student at the university's School of Computing Science, said: "This sort of attack exploits two weaknesses that on their own are not too severe but, when used together, present a serious risk to the whole payment system.

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