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Comment Re:Tip calculator?! (Score 1) 332

or divide by ten and increase by half? And it's not like it has to be exact. Seriously, do it a few times and it sure is faster than punching in the numbers on some device. And it might help keep your brain oiled up. Although, I live in country where you generally don't tip, so admittedly I never have to do this.

Comment Re:Why... (Score 1) 239

Yes let's all start eating concrete instead of expecting a responsive UI.

The thing I am talking about mostly is how Fx closes your tab and delays of a noticeable amount of time before relaunching it in a new window. It also loses the state of running flash applications like videos (which Safari and chrome handles). The whole experience gives me the feeling that it is a hack emulating chrome and safari rather than stable functionality.

Comment Re:Why... (Score 1) 239

I run Fx as well, but I'm not very happy with it. Chrome is a pleasure to use except for the lack of adblock (and a working osx implementation). Worst with Fx right now (besides feeling a bit slow at times) is the way its tabs work. It is so much worse than the competition it's embarrassing (drag between windows and such).

Comment Re:There's very few swedish crowns.. (Score 1) 102

Har man bara någon enstaka beloppsuppgift, kan man med fördel skriva 800 Swedish kronor (800 Swedish crowns fungerar i princip också men är mycket ovanligare i bruket). Har man flera beloppsuppgifter, är det bättre att använda den etablerade valutaförkortningen SEK och följa internationell konvention med baklängesskrivning: SEK 800. Första gången man använder beteckningen SEK kan man gärna förklara vad det står för (d.v.s. 'Swedish kronor'). Språkrådet.

Dock nämnder svenska språkrådet översättningen "Crowns" i förbifarten i en disskussion rörande något annat.

Sorry about the swedish, what I am writing is that both kronor and crowns seem to be considered ok by "authorities" on the Swedish language.

On the other hand, I guess this is more of a question about the English language; I think kronor is generally preferred, but both seem understood and usable (e.g. Wikipedia mentions crowns as an informal alternative to kronor).

Comment Re:Ozone depletion... (Score 1) 306

once when a dentist used N2O on me to extract four teeth in preparation for braces..

What a *horrible* experience.

The drug is not everything.

Set and setting.

"Set and setting describes the context for psychoactive and particularly psychedelic drug experiences: one's mindset and the setting in which the user has the experience. This is especially relevant for psychedelic or hallucinogenic experiences; the term was coined by Timothy Leary. The set is the mental state a person brings to the experience, like thoughts, mood or expectations. The setting refers to the physical or social environment. Social support networks have shown to be particularly important in the outcome of the psychedelic experience [1]. They are able to control or guide the course of the experience, both consciously and subconsciously. Stress, fear, or a disagreeable environment, may result in an unpleasant experience (bad trip). Conversely, a relaxed, curious person in a warm, comfortable and safe place is more likely to have a pleasant experience."

Also, it's like biking or anything else, you have to practise to get good at it.

The Internet

Submission + - Pirate Bay Pirated (

Mehall writes: "Torrentfreak reports that after a Pirate Bay user created a 21GB torrent of the entire site, there is now a working backup of the site, using the OpenTorrentTracker, and soon to have search working also. In related news, The Pirate Bay seems to be offline. Might this be the GGF updating the servers for their new implementation? Further, once TPB is back, you can now torrent the archive of user comments from TPB."

Submission + - Microsoft silently drops IE6 support on (

lrvick writes: "With the release of Bing, Microsoft had to make some modifications to In the process they silently stopped even trying to hack their own site to work in ie6. The new Bing search bar now drops down into the content over the top of other navigation links in IE6. Is this the excuse web developers everywhere have been waiting on to once and for all totally stop hacking things for IE6 as well?"

Comment Re:Provable? (Score 1) 517

Are you thinking of Gödel's incompleteness theorem?
A sufficiently complex formal system either has unprovable truths or is inconsistent. I am not sure this qualifies for this theorem and if it does all it's saying is that there might be behaviour that isn't specified, but that all specified behaviour is correct.
Or maybe someone with a better mathematical mind than mine can elaborate on this?
Portables (Apple)

Submission + - When iPods Go Boom! Apple Goes Shhhh..... 2

TechnoGrl writes: The >London Times Online reports that, when Mr. Ken Stanborough tried to get a simple refund from Apple after his iPod exploded and caught fire, Apple responded by demanding that Mr. Stanborough first sign an agreement that he never talk about the incident. Mr. Stanborough responded by talking to the Times saying ,

"They're putting a life sentence on myself, my daughter and Ellie's mum, not to say anything to anyone. ... We didn't ask for compensation, we just asked for our money back".

Think Different?

I Think Not.


Submission + - New HIV Strain Discovered in Woman From Cameroon 1

barnyjr writes: From the story: A new strain of the virus that causes AIDS was discovered in a woman from the African nation of Cameroon. It differs from the three known strains of human immunodeficiency virus and appears to be closely related to a form of simian virus recently discovered in wild gorillas, researchers report in Monday's edition of the journal Nature Medicine. ...The most likely explanation for the new find is gorilla-to-human transmission, Plantier's team said.

Comment britain taking the lead (Score 1) 1

I remember reading about children being arrested, detained and having their fingerprints taken a few years back.

Their crime? Building a tree house in a public tree.

Shocking? Quite, but since then I have read so many news stories like this from Britain that I am now neither shocked nor surprised. I am scared though.

Submission + - UK placing CCTV into 20,000 family homes 1

metrix007 writes: The UK government now wants to place CCTV camera to monitor 20,000 cameras deemed to be in a sin bin to make sure that the kids go to bed on time and eat healthy meals and the like. This is going to far, and hopefully will not pass. Where will it end? Article here

Comment yes (Score 1) 541

Nature will find a way.
There is already greasemonkey and adblock. But, yeah, it might get more difficult. But a list of xpaths to delete on a site basis like the filter lists for adblock might come a long way.

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