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Comment Re:Let The Poor Pile Up. (Score 1) 133

For example, today poorest people in Europe have better dentistry than nation leaders had half a century ago.

Do they?

Which usually results in short term increased poverty and long term uplifting of everyone up, including the most poor.

"Usually" There is no natural law that says the second part has to happen.

Comment Re: So not zip codes (Score 2) 170

Real estate property tax are "normal" already, and yes people lose their homes when they can't pay the tax, and if their house burns down or they sell it for less than they paid there is no question of a refund. Often there is no choice but to demolish homes because they have 10s of thousands of back taxes. Billionaires should be treated the same as the rest of us: like slaves.

Comment Re:It seems to be spreading (Score 1) 50

They don't want people on tourist visas to fill a local job that otherwise would go to a domestic tax slave, it's just bureaucracy to tax remote workers who are really more like tourists overspending foreign money and probably paying more in VAT in a month than a local pays in a year.

Comment Re:This ignores the other problem Japan is facing (Score 1) 50

Was the culture different back when fertility was higher? The difference is probably the devaluation of wages and concentration of wealth that forced mothers into the workforce like in every banker-controlled country. Parasites like Buffet and Munger bragged about how they could borrow money for free in Japan and buy stocks for almost infinite profit; Japanese workers were forced to pay for that charity for foreign billionaires instead of diapers.

Comment Re:He's right (Score 1) 176

and supply and demand comes back to money printing. PPP "loans" were used to buy real estate, and as the supply of counterfeit dollars increased the price of construction also skyrocketed. Boomers are holding on their homes because they'll soon be worth millions of dollars.

Comment Re:Found this quote just the other day (Score 4, Insightful) 287

You are talking like only income is taxed. We pay tax on a roll of toilet paper while Buffet can buy entire companies tax free (if not get some tax rebate). We pay tax on the market value of our home so we don't die of exposure while there is no tax on the market value of what Buffet owns (again he is probably getting some deductions). And when he does get cash from dividends or selling something the rate is much lower than the income tax on people who work just to live.

Comment Re:Found this quote just the other day (Score 4, Insightful) 287

It's hoarding by underpaying employees. Is there a billionaire who doesn't have some employees/contractors who are on food stamps? Also the billionaires cash out, buying multiple homes, yachts etc. Fine, they earned it, but they could be taxed a lot more and still buy everything they want.

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