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Comment Re:What about women harassing men? (Score 2) 345

You're right. You personally don't need an entire system of oppression to feel uncomfortable, but you would need that system of oppression to be (not just feel, but actually be) helpless in the face of that feeling. Your singular anxiety does not create a system of oppression against you. My anxiety does not make the people who make me feel anxious into bad people.

If harassment is defined by the system of oppression, and the current system of oppression is patriarchal consisting of toxic masculinity, then what I said is not a lie.

Comment Re:What about women harassing men? (Score 2, Insightful) 345

Since you need power structures in order for harassment to carry any weight/threat, yes, a disproportionate amount of harassment is men against women.

Don't fall into the common techie trope of expecting everyone else to explain everything to you by spouting a pathetically-informed opinion.

Comment Re:On the Internet no one knows you are a dog... (Score 1) 696

Because in a generally-male community, which open source is, as TFA reports, it is assumed that, unless otherwise stated, your gender is male. If you do not correct that assumption, you are seen as being disingenuous. If you do correct that assumption, you can be seen as trying to curry favor with your minority status. There is no winning.

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