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Journal Journal: Free Personal-Software for Hardware, Linux, and Windows...

Please remember this -- you probably use a wordprocessor more than anything, but your system's software reliability/availability-to-you is dependent on 3 things:
Immune-system ( Anti-Virus software )
Blocking Trojans + undermining + attack ( Firewall software )
Preventing spyware/stealware from undermining your system ( spyware-detecting software )
Without these basics, you don't have any right to rely-on your system, because it isn't born with built-in self-prot

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Journal Journal: The deeply interesting patterns we construct/live-in

You may have wondered why we only make our world damaging-against-wellbeing, and much ( nearly all ) of what we do is enforced by our unconscious determination to do what we already have immediate-habit-of, but Christopher Alexander dug and realized that fundamental patterns of our civil order are non-necessarily damaging, and he wrote the alternatives he saw.

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"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable computers?"
