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Submission + - Mail server appliances for personal use

An anonymous reader writes: I currently use Outlook to retrieve all my e-mail, and store it in a single PST file on a dedicated drive, which is backed up nightly to a DVD. I am interested in creating some sort of (virtual) linux based 'e-mail appliance', so I can apply better spam control methods, and provide a web interface to the mail services. I want it to be able to get the e-mail from multiple pop accounts (since my ISP blocks SMTP), and store it locally on the appliance. I also would like to import my existing e-mail which currently resides in a PST file.

I assume I have to glue several solutions together, so I am hoping the Slashdot community can tell me what kind of setup they have, or point me into the right direction. Eventually, I want it to be a virtual appliance, so I don't have to waste a dedicated machine for this project (I would shut it down at night, allowing me to back up the virtual appliance).

Submission + - Detecting the source of old audio?

Scohop writes: "I'm in the process of archiving my music collection with FLAC. For lots of my old, burned CDs, I have no idea if the original source was lossy. If it was, it seems pointless to archive it with lossless compression (I'd prefer to track down the original). There must be detectable artifacts or signatures on these audio files. Is there a way to detect the source of old audio?"

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