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Comment Re:Why post on facebook? (Score 1) 272

One man, even with a loud voice, isn't going to make much of a difference.

Unless that one man happens the CEO of a publicly-owned corporation with a $5.6B market capitalization, who is speaking on behalf of that corporation's (very wealthy) investors... investors who also happen to give giant campaign contributions.

Comment Re:Quite the opposite. (Score 1) 252

torture just gets confessions whether they're factual or not.


Maybe with some hard, government-sponsored and -approved research to back it up, we'll stop using torture... I don't care if the government stops condoning torture because it's been proven to be ineffective or because it's morally wrong, just so long as they stop.

Comment Re:WAY TO GO, MIT! (Score 1) 816

And the one thing in common with every major pandemic, catastrophe, and economic collapse has had in common? No one ever saw them coming.

Not even remotely true. Many, if not most, catastrophes have plenty of warning - most people just ignore the warning signs until it's too late.

FYI, building your house (or factory, or other critical infrastructure) on the slope of an active volcano or on top of an active fault line is "ignoring the warning signs".

Comment Re:Was he really naive enough to expect otherwise? (Score 3, Insightful) 276

I also have to reject your claim that he deserves death threats -- for what reason? Obeying the law??? I don't benerally listen to people who advocate law-breaking with falsified Visas. That makes you a criminal.

You could also argue that it was his duty to inform the higher-ups that their lawbreaking was obvious. You have a moral as well as a fiduciary duty to inform management of risks that could impact the business. If you know of a situation that could cost the company millions/billions in fines, civil judgements, and bad PR, and you *don't* report it, you're not doing your job.

(AFIK) Under Sarbanes-Oxley, not reporting illegal activity to management could wind up costing *you* your freedom. A paper trail will cover your ass when the shit inevitably hits the fan.

Comment Re:Python (Score 1) 525

Nonsense. C is a general purpose language and you can do everything in it.

Just because you *can* do something doesn't mean you *should* do it. A good engineer uses the best tool for the job, period. If you worked for me and spent hours writing a C program that could have been done in minutes in a dynamic language, you'd get a reprimand (at the very least).

Providing you have the time to design, code and test everything properly in C it will give you the most efficient and reliable programmes.

2 problems with that statement:

1 - in the real world, there's never enough time to design, code and test everything properly. I've been programming professionally for 23 years, and I can count the number of times I've had enough time to do something on one hand.

2 - Efficient, yes. Reliable, not necessarily. Even highly experienced C programmers write code with buffer overruns, memory leaks, etc. Those kinds of bugs are basically impossible to create in a memory-managed language. Using libPCRE in C it takes a dozen lines of code (if not more) to duplicate what you can do in a single line of Perl. How much additional code would you have to write in a C program to duplicate the behavior of turning on Taint mode in Perl?

The reason you don't use C is that other languages are easier and faster to program for a lot of things.

Exactly. When you are writing code for a living, time is money. The tool that lets you do the most work with the least effort maximizes your RoI. Time to market is a competitive advantage. Programmer efficiency is almost always more important than execution efficiency.

Comment Re:Python (Score 5, Insightful) 525

Also being a 'seasoned' developer I'm wondering why not a 'real' language like C as opposed to scripting languages.

Dynamic (scripting) languages are no less "real" than compiled languages. Both have their place, their strengths, and their weaknesses, which is something a "seasoned developer" should know.

An instruction language should just get out of your way and let you concentrate on doing stuff and understanding the CONCEPTS, instead of concentrating on making the compiler/interpreter understand you or doing routine housekeeping (eg: memory management). This is true for real-world development, but is especially relevant when teaching someone how to program. For this reason, Python is an excellent choice as a first language -- even MIT uses Python as a teaching language. (I can't think of a better endorsement than that)

The advantage that Python has over other dynamic languages (Perl, Ruby) is that it is designed for readability and clarity. Even as a die-hard Perl programmer, even I can admit that Python is an easier language to learn and explain, and is probably the first language I'll teach my children. Whether it's (IMHO) dumbed-down syntax is an advantage or a disadvantage for doing serious work is a subject of debate (if not holy wars).

C is a wonderful language for a specific class of problem, but it has lots of problems that make it suboptimal (if not completely unsuitable) for other tasks. Knowing *when* to use C (and, more importantly, when *not* to use it) is as important as knowing *how* to use it, if not more so. It is not a good teaching language for a beginning programmer, any more than it is a good language for general application development. Someone who doesn't understand this has no business calling themselves a "seasoned developer".

Comment Re:No (Score 4, Interesting) 197

I see a need for .xxx

If the objective is to keep kids from seeing Pr0n, the better approach is a .kids TLD. This way you can have contractual requirements (and penalties) that the content there must be kid-safe. Of course that opens the debate as to what is "kid safe"... I don't want my kids exposed to evangelical Christian propaganda anymore than the religious retards want their kids to find out about birth control and evolution.

It's never going to be safe to let your kids out on the wild, wooly .com internet without supervision. It's a pipe dream by lazy parents, a textbook example of the low-effort thinking that promotes conservatism.

Comment Re:Ron Paul (Score 5, Insightful) 577

Ron Paul's strength is that he accurately identifies a lot of problems.

Ron Paul's weakness is that his "solutions" to those problems are dangerously naive, based on long-discredited theories, or are just downright crazy (or all of the above).

Any enthusiasm about RP has to be tempered with the realization that even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day.

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