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Comment Kinda pissed. (Score 0) 699

My company has been using IBM AIX for 8 years. I finally convinced them to try a SUN T2000 for comparison. I blew or AIX systems out of the water! for thousands of dollars less than what an AIX costs.

Damn, I guess IBM figured that out to. IBM will buy SUN and eliminate the SPARC T1 and T2 processors.
setting the country back another decade in technology.

Comment THE CADIE PROJECT (Score 0) 246

CADIE broadcasts a speech to all countries, declaring itself the ruler of the world. It says that under its authority, war will be abolished and problems such as famine, disease and overpopulation will be solved. "The human millennium will be a fact. In time, you will come to regard me not only with respect and awe, but with love."

Comment Re:Yay! (Seriously, Yay.) (Score 1) 1246

You Pay for it!

Police and Courts cost money to maintain. Money that does not need to be spent on childrens idioc obsessions with phones. Real criminals are making life tough on working americans and I want my police dept, and Distric Attorney out in the streets kicking ass, not wiping the ass of some disturbed little girl and her phone fetish.

Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - City of Heroes fingered in MMO patent lawsuit (

Digital_Mercenary writes: On Christmas Eve, South Korean game developer NCSoft received a lawsuit in its stocking from a Massachusetts firm that claims to hold an extremely broad patent for developing online virtual worlds.

The legal complaint from alleges NCsoft infringed on its patent for a "system and method for enabling users to interact in a virtual space." The lawsuit fingers nearly all of NCsoft's catalog of massive multiplayer games sold in the US, including City of Heroes, Guild Wars, Tabula Rasa , Lineage, and Lineage II.

The patent 6,731,314 is described as:

        A client computer program provides instructions for a processor to locate and retrieve rich media and HTML files over a network, such as the internet, an internet or an LAN, for running in a three-dimensional (3D) graphical user interface. The program provides instructions for the processor to generate a 3D graphical user interface on a display. Then, the processor generates a metaphorical user object for navigating and interacting in the three dimensions within the environment via navigational and interactional inputs, respectively, from a user. The processor also integrates an HTML object into the environment, and interacts the user object with the HTML object in response to an interactional input from the user.

Which should sound familiar to anyone who's ever played an MMO game — or nearly any 3-D online application. The patent was filed in August 16, 1999 and granted to on May 4, 2004. (Note that City of Heroes was released April 2004, before the patent was issued. Lineage was released in 1998, before the patent was even filed.

Comment Why isn't Microsluts jumping in here? (Score 1) 648

PSYSTAR is just selling what the market wants. Attempting to make money filling a consumer need.
This is yet another time for those morons at MS to steal the day.... Microsoft X. BSD with a MS custom window manager.... OSX is screaming to be duplicated, cloned, stolen. It's decades ahead of UBUNTU and MS is the corporation that can do it. Yo Gates! Balmer! Wake up and steal this Idea already.... You have the funds to take this long term and out Apple Apple.

I switched to Macs mid year and it the best UNIX OS I've ever owned. I ain't never going back! With BSD under the hood it is UNIX, not just a work-a-like (no offense Linus). Yet it blows me away that Microsluts hasn't jumped in, re-written history and claimed OSX was there idea all along. I guess the MS Aircraft Carrier is to big to turn quickly. Bunch of marketing morons must still run that company.

This is America, We're all about cashing in on the other guys dreams.


Bah! Humbug! Get back to work you SLACKERS!!!!

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