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Comment Re:Clinton Lost. (Score 1, Interesting) 404

Call me an idiot, then. By all rights, Trump lost by more than a 2% margin.

You are an idiot. There were 50 state elections for president, and Trump won 30 of them. There's absolutely no way this can be described as "by all rights".

Living in a high population state may weight your vote less on a per capita basis, but it also means you have a higher potential influence on the outcome of an election. A voter in Wyoming can only possibly influence 3 electoral votes, which is almost 1/20th as much as a voter living in California can. The electoral college system is only "rigged" in favor of rural voters because the high population states have less disagreement on the rural voters you seem to hold in contempt.

You're talking about states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as if they are just some rural backwards idiots whose vote is counted for more despite them rounding out the top 10 in highest population states. You're also vaguely including other important states like Ohio, Florida, and NC in this, which have similarly large populations, and which Trump won by even larger margins. By all rights, you're being a fucking idiot.

Comment Re:Clinton Lost. (Score 1) 404

You're arguing against claims no one is really making. Trump is president-elect. Lots of people are mad about this because it was a close election, very, very, very few would claim it to be illegitimate.

You're arguing against me as if it is sour grapes, that I am upset about the election, that I think Russia changed this. I am not. Russia is trying to delegitimize our system of government -- our society -- by attacking our sovereignty, and you alongside many other people are sitting there going: hey, thanks Russia!

It's fucking ridiculous and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Comment Re:Bigoted much? (Score 1) 404

fake edit:

Not to mention the fact that the Kremlin backed down on their immediate reaction of promising to expel US diplomats as retaliation. It's just about as solid an admission of guilt you could ever expect from official sources like that. Expelling diplomats and seizing property is outrageous behavior if it's believed that it was done for no reason.

Comment Re:Trump lost (Score 1) 404

More people rejected Trump. He lost. That's how democracy works. Putin voted for him and Trump defends Putin hacks but that just confirms Trumps anti US stance . GOP needs you fix their problem and save us from Russian control.

Quoting this for the blatant grammar errors of someone trying to pose as a progressive libtard or whatever. Thanks for the input buddy, I hope you can buy your girlfriend a nice dinner with all the rubles this earned you before Trump realizes what's been going on and turns your little dacha into a pile of smoldering radioactive ash.

Comment Re:Bigoted much? (Score 0) 404

Please tell me again why Russia has fallen back to kiddie level phishing scams?

How can you justify using this as some kind of evidence AGAINST it having Russian origins? If it works, it works, and then spies will use it. It's low-cost and highly effective.

It's not like there's zero evidence, either, it's just evidence that's lost in all of the plebian yelling, or completely overlooked by those with any technical know-how. Guccifer2.0 posted his blog using English broken with Russian grammar, including Russian smiley-faces )))))))))))). CrowdStrike's report earlier this year strongly indicated Russian origins, including things like activity focus during Moscow time zone's daylight hours, cyrillic metadata, and a pseudonym referencing Russian historical figures.

That's why people will keep saying "it's Russia", because the fundamental nature of the US-Russia relationship never changed that much even with a respite from the Cold War. They are adversarial powers who distrust each other and have nuclear weapons aimed at each other. And yet there are crowds of people willing to believe in a cheese pizza child pornography ring while simultaneously disbelieving that the KGB Cold Warrior successor entities would have the gall to spy on the #1 threat to their nation? Tell that to the Russians who believe Euromaidan was a CIA coup, or the Russian agents who have been harassing or outright assaulting US diplomatic staff.

Russian origin of the hacks was credible earlier this summer before it became a huge news story, when CrowdStrike published their report. It remains so today, no matter how many idiots will try to discredit it or to discredit this joint FBI / DHS report for citing CrowdStrike's report as part of its evidence.

Comment Re:Clinton Lost. (Score 4, Interesting) 404

Does that make it OK that the DNC was hacked and its private communications were released in an attempt to influence the election?

The oversensitivity with regards to Trump's election win is sad. Anyone calling his win illegitimate or whatever is an idiot and should be treated as such, but for some reason a whole bunch of people want to continue living out their partisan fantasies after the election is over.

The fact that so many people can then use this as an excuse to not even care about espionage conducted against our election process is nothing short of pathetic.

Comment Re:How is this even an issue? (Score 1) 404

We're being digitally invaded and the hoi polloi, usually so hot to beat someone with a stick, are quite pleased with everything. It's shocking. Can we get back to American ass-kicking mode and fuck these authoritarian rubes? A war is on, brother.

If Trump weren't such a sensitive idiot, he could rally everyone behind him with this. He's been way too caught up in the closeness of the election and the few complaints about the popular vote or the suggestions that he might not have won without interference. I've never seen such a sore loser from someone who won an election before, and it's hurting Americans and American sovereignty at the behest of foreigners.

It's pathetic, especially coming from someone like him and all of his winners rhetoric. Hopefully when he sits down with some of the adults in DC he'll take a real hard look at reality and recognize this.

Comment Re:How is this even an issue? (Score 2) 404

As long as business can set up their super-PACs to influence elections can we really object to a foreign government doing the same?

Are you fucking serious? Citizens can influence their own government and own elections all they want, it's an inalienable birthright of their citizenship. It's the very basis of government as enshrined in the Constitution.

Foreign governments leveraging their power to change government policy and elections isn't influence, or someone's opinion, it's espionage and can be punished by deportation or death. How many foreign leaders can you name that came out and said something like "I prefer x candidate over y candidate"? None, because none of them are as fucking stupid as so many people partaking in these discussions are.

What you're suggesting is that not only is it not illegal or unlawful, but that it also cannot be illegal or unlawful. It's total nonsense. What you're asking is akin to asking "why can't Russia just run a Russian as a candidate for POTUS, and then influence the election to get him elected?"

Comment Re:Watergate (Score 0) 404

No evidence of a break in

Are you retarded or what? You think all the Cozy Bear Douchey Bear APT talk that's been going on for almost a year is made up? You think it's okay for an insider to hack someone else's email? Do you think CrowdStrike is not only fabricating evidence of malicious programs, but also fabricating evidence of their fabricated evidence's origin? Do you believe that CrowdStrike is a partisan organization with future-telling powers who knew that Trump would display willful ignorance of anything they reported on and use it as part of their anti-Trump agenda?

Those are all things you have to believe in order to believe in some of the dumb shit you just said. No evidence of a break in??????????????? God damn. You are an unbelievable idiot.

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