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Comment First commercial flight? (Score 1) 317

I find this odd because last month there was one sitting at the terminal in Phoenix as we pulled in.
Our pilot was on the intercom telling everyone to look out the window at it.

Maybe it was on a test run and not a regular commercial flight.

Comment Re:Eh (Score 1) 866

I don't think remembering exact details decades later is the point of HS science classes..

The point is to let you know what is possible and if needed years later you can look up the details because you know where to start looking.
If it grabs your interest and you make a carrier of it great!

Chemistry.. you learned about acids and bases right? Maybe next time the batteries in your kids favorite toy leak all over the battery compartment you'll remember Alkaline is a base and some vinegar (a weak acid) will neutralize and clean that crap right up.. Toy works. Kids is happy and maybe learned something.. Yeah Chemistry!

Comment Jump ahead 100 years to gather (Score 1) 658

My theory on time travel isn't all the exciting.. I believe that you are forever bound to your timeline.. You are stuck with the life you observe. You can travel to the past all you want but anything you do there has already happened. Try to change a historical event? you'll find you were a part of it all along. The past is fixed and unchangeable.
Going forward is follows the same path.. The future you see is yours.. If you managed to retrieve information from the future and use it the future you see will be the result of those actions.

Now I'm not dismissing the diverging timelines/ infinite parallel universe theory. I'm just saying you are rather stuck in your time line.. Moving forward and back within your track will be trivial compared to the energy needed to move out of your universe and into a parallel one. Conversation of energy might imply that to move mass into another universe would require the transfer of equivalent energy into the source universe to replace the now missing mass. Moving 1 gram would be like setting off the fat man bomb in the source universe.

Comment Re:Transmission? (Score 1) 331

Because it's a front wheel drive car it's much less work to bolt the electric motor to the stock transaxle than to build your own single speed unit.

Had they used a RWD car to start with they could have eliminated the transmission without much work..

Honestly I think the ultimate solution is 2 or 4 independent brushless wheel motors. Eliminate most of the drive train components.

Comment Re:What's the big deal? (Score 1) 267

I'm in the same camp.. I can't stand left handed mice. Back in the 80s my dad got me a leftie mouse when I was getting into CAD. I tried it but I couldn't stand it. I was much happier with the right mouse because I was better at typing with my left so I could easily mouse and type at the same time.
When I was doing desktop support I sometime run across the lefties with the mouse buttons reversed too. Those folks will really slow you down.


Submission + - Oracle Software Glitch Mars Semester's Start for Washington State University (

Pontiac writes: PCWord reports that the first week of class at Washington State University has been a tumultuous one for students and parents who depend on financial aid, due to a software glitch in a recently installed Oracle PeopleSoft system.

The problems stem from communication issues between the software's student financials and financial aid modules, said Casey Hanson, director of new media and communications for WSU Information Services, in an interview Thursday.
Technicians are still working on the problem, Hanson said. The issues can also be attributed to the learning curve students and parents are facing while learning to use the system and its new processes, Hanson added.


Submission + - Iran to Ban Women from Science and Engineering Classes (

jasper160 writes: An August 20th, 2012 announcement from Iran places restrictions on female university students. Iran will be cutting 77 fields of study from the female curriculum, making them male-only fields. Science and engineering are among those affected by the decree. The announcement came soon after the release of statistics showing that women were graduating in far higher numbers than men from Iranian universities and were scoring overall better than men, especially in the sciences.

Senior clerics in Iran's theocratic regime have become concerned about the social side-effects of rising educational standards among women.

Comment Email 99.9% of the time.. (Score 1) 221

I'm the exchange admin.. Unless the server is down or your outlook client is not working (sorry folks that's a desktop issue, not my area) it's best to send me an email. Odds are I'm stuck in some meeting and unable to answer the phone anyway.

I know someone is yelling "Get a ticketing system".. Got one and it sends me email updates on tickets.. I reply from whatever device I have handy and it posts to the ticket.. Brilliant!

Comment Re:Cable TV anyone? (Score 1) 204

Cable hasn't been ad free for 30 years so don't act like it's some new service just turned up with false promises. They made it maybe 5-7 years before they started piling on advertisement supported content to bloat up the number of channels.

As for Blu-ray Disc Understand my point of view.. I didn't give a shit about what kind of disc it could play of how they spell it. I bought the damn thing because it was on sale and could stream Netflix & Hulu. I just wanted to retire an the old PC I used for streaming media that was dumping tons of heat into an overloaded cabinet.

As for my Mon's computer.. Hell yeah she knows.. She buys a new one almost every year. I set it up for her and take the old one home. I'm not to proud to pass up a free nearly new PC only used by a little old lady to program her sewing machine and load Barry Manalow tunes on her iPod.

Comment Re:Cable TV anyone? (Score 1) 204

There is no outrage on cable/dish because 90% of the users have DVR's with add skipping remotes.

Before I cut the cord I wouldn't even watch a show unless I had 20-30 min of skipping power.
If I caught up to live programing I'd pause and do something else for 10-20 minutes.

I wonder how long until my Blue Ray starts downloading streaming adds I can't skip before playing a new movie.

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