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Comment Take those fools money (Score 3, Funny) 198

Looking at that website made me smile. Clearly someone thought to themselves that those anti-5g people are morons are going to be scammed and then decided to make their dreams a reality. I have a problem with companies taking advantage of the mentally handicapped and elderly. These anti-vaxers errrr 5G-conspiracy theorists are not mentally handicapped, they are willfully ignorant thus......scam away.

Comment Re:If Apple can bypass it.. (Score 1) 211

Never heard of the draft? Jury duty? Paying Taxes? Mandated Reporting? Eminent domain? The government can both in practice and established law force actions on individuals. Beyond that companies are not people. Look....the North won, your side lost the war and despite proclamations otherwise libertarian quackery will never rise again. The whole libertarian notion serves no other purpose than to annoy others at social events who have practical matters to discuss or at least admit their theoretical fantasy is....well..... a theoretical fantasy detached from reality.

Comment Re:If Apple can bypass it.. (Score 1) 211

Apple can be compelled to do all that, if someone gets the appropriate court order. This is going back to the old safe analogy. Yes a safe maker can be forced to help the government crack a safe. Should a safe maker crack a safe for personal/corrupt reasons? "No". Should that safe maker crack the safe when mandated by the court? "Yes" Should a safe maker crack a safe of a known terrorist without a court order? "Sure why not unless they are a pedantic dick?" In this case Apple is being pedantic just to cover their own assess for branding reasons. Your fantasy about this being a slippery slope implies that without Apple, breaking into the phone would be impossible and/or that with their support breaking into breaking into all phones becomes near trivial.

Comment Re:Part of the Process (Score 1) 63

In a few months, people who have recovered from Covid will be able to fetch a nice premium for manufactures and service staff. Want to ensure that your "essential supply chain does not get disrupted by falling ill? An all post-Covid workforce would do nicely, or at least enough to form a local herd immunity.

Comment HTC Can't die soon enough (Score 1) 43

Back in the year 2010 I bought a shiny new cellphone from HTC. Mysteriously maybe two weeks later the screen developed a crack down the middle. No dropping or anything like that. I called their support and they steadfastly refused to provide any kind of solution insisting that their manufacturing process was flawless and there was no way any of it was their responsibility. I hope that the whole of their customer service vertical is perpetually unemployed and that any phone they touch cracks into a thousand pieces. Yes I will hold this grudge forever.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 67

The problem is not that they are adding taxes to digital transactions. The problem is that they are specifically targeting American companies with the secondary criteria for enforcement to give French and Italian organizations and an advantage. To that end the French and Italians are simply not our friends. I say kick them out of NATO and embargo the nations. When their depression comes in 6 months they will be grovelling to pay reparations.

Comment Re:Vulnerabilities in key exchange (Score 0) 46

Standards are highly influenced by organizations which are motivated to ensure that the internet is not secure (CIA, FSB, Ministry of State Security) so they all intentionally influence them to ensure that they have advanced knowledge of what the keys to the kingdom are. People really need to stop overlooking the fact that the same people who write cryptographic techniques are the same people who are paid to break them later. This is an obvious conflict of interest that will not ever go away. TLDR the internet was never meant to be secure.

Comment This release cycle made me distrust boeing (Score 1) 146

Honestly the whole 737 scandal only raised a little concern. You make products for long enough one will crash and burn. Thinking that you can actually design, produce, and QA, and begin delivering a solution which lives depended in a matter of weeks, is a institutional cultural problem that will take a major effort to overhaul. Agile has its uses, this is a abomination of what looks to be a corporations attempt at it.

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