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Comment Re:BCC plus reply-to plus BASIC TRAINING! (Score 1) 384

5. Threatening employees with adverse action for something you should have trained them to make impossible: priceless.

Exactly, they should have deployed the "invisible fence" shock collars used to discipline dogs to all employees along with a webcam to monitor employee activity. Each successive use of the reply-all feature delivers a more substantial shock until *ZAP* ... you are toast!

Now that is negative reinforcement training that would work!

Comment Re:It's not so bad (Score 1) 685

Some people claim long hours when actually they are chatterboxes - standing around at the water cooler talking nonsense or spouting verbal diarrhea on the phone or on meetings and having to come in on Saturday to finish their work.

Exactly, these sorts of people drive me to distraction!

They saunter into the office around eleven, spend a good hour making the rounds chatting with everyone about inane no-work bull$hit or make take a "meeting", head out to lunch for a good one and half to two hours, come back either take another pointless meeting, or maybe just spend the afternoon playing on-line games for several hours... but they make damn sure you know they were at the office until 6:30pm or 7pm putting the "long hours." Hell they even have the nerve to make comments about me (who has been in the office since 8am) leaving early when I decide to take-off at 5, as if putting in a solid 8 or 9 hours of productive time is somehow insufficient. These same people always seem to have an excuse why their work is not done.

Bah... a pox on them.

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