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Comment Re:Tonight we're gonna science like it's 1905 (Score 1) 470

The way I explained why gravitational mass and inertial mass are the same is by considering the thought experiment of two balls in space starting off a ways apart, they gravitationally attract and then kinetically bounce apart, if inertial mass and gravitational mass were different they would either eventually become stuck together or drift infinitely apart which can't happen due to conservation of energy...

Comment stupid design (Score 1) 328

Why would a console be a thousand dollars and only have some kind of integrated graphics. Why the emphasis that it be small and power efficient vs. powerful enough to play any game at max settings. I mean does this thing seem like any "gaming" rig you've ever seen? I think they should just compile a list of hardware that can be put together and be "steam" certified and be done with it. Just give the developers something to target.

Comment Re:Suprising how? (Score 1) 771

Some people's most recent African ancestors lived there within the last few hundred years and others were many millenia ago. Of course then there are the Berbers that are a fair-skinned African tribe :) In general being real specific about how a person can tell in general what race a person is is probably akin to creating Strong A.I., but that doesn't mean people can't do it. It'd also be hard to describe exactly how people can tell the difference between a Escher painting and a Dali, or a Beethoven and a Mozart song.

In a double blind study, I believe people could do a pretty fair job of sorting say a hundred pictures of people who's families have lived in certain parts of the world for the last 20 or so generations, at least as to what continent they were from.

There is a scientific device to measure albedo: fresh snow measuring .9 and charcoal .4, it would be a simple matter to measure the albedo of all the finalists from the last few olympics in swimming and sprinting and I believe there would be a strong correlation between albedo of skin and whether the person was a swimmer or sprinter.

For the record I don't consider myself racist, maybe it's not even a good thing that the brain can organize people by race, but I don't see any point in pretending it can't.

Comment Re:Suprising how? (Score 1) 771

That's funny, you can't put your finger on what exactly the difference is between the way the majority of swimmers look and the way the majority of sprinters look... hint the sprinters are about a 100 shades darker lol. I must seem psychic to you that I can tell whether someone either is from Asia or has Asian ancestors. I can even use my magic to tell whether they're from Korea, vietnam, Japan, or China. Maybe you also can't tell the difference between a golden retriever and a yellow labrador? Or maybe you just don't like the use of the word race to describe those obvious physical differences, that last one is a genuine question.

Comment Re:Nvidia Open Source Policies (Score 1) 581

I keep trying to think if you are right that there will be no need for the dedicated graphics card, the way the FPU moved into the CPU a while back.. What would you put in the PCI-Express socket? Did I read you right that you think it would be another CPU? I wonder what kind of specialization it would have.

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