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Comment Re:Ignorance in the comments from the Superintende (Score 1) 295

You forget again that teachers only work for 180 days of the year in New York State, sure the 60hr weeks may not balance out the 180 days of work but it is something to consider. Also consider that teachers receive good benefits like most public employees. Also does the teacher in question have tenure?

German Wikileaks Domain Suspended Without Warning 215

mb writes to mention that Germany has gone one step further in impeding access to Wikileaks. Germany's registration authority, DENIC, recently suspended without notice. "The action comes two weeks after the house of the German WikiLeaks domain sponsor, Theodor Reppe, was searched by German authorities. Police documentation shows that the March 24, 2009 raid was triggered by WikiLeaks' publication of Australia's proposed secret internet censorship list. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) told Australian journalists that they did not request the intervention of the German government."

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