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Comment Re:I love the way (Score 2, Insightful) 245

1) Because it will make much more sense to live in free space (IE on an asteroid or space colony) where you avoid the huge energy cost of going up and down a gravity well.

Humans need gravity to exist for a prolonged time. Our skeleton, internal organs, muscle etc. all depend on it. Unless you in some way emulate gravity in a satisfactory way, living in free space is impossible.

Comment Demand proper documentation (Score 1) 165

The only way to make sure is to demand thorough documentation of the manufacturing process and ensure the authenticity of the documentation provided. Consumer pressure is needed to make companies deliver green products on a regular basis. They will manufacture what the buyers want. Governments are usually important customers and can lead the way on behalf of the public.

As a side note, one should also demand that the products are "fair", such as the manufacturer and subcontractors don't exploit third world countries, the workers are properly paid etc.

Comment Re:Wine? (Score 1) 378

There's a flipside to that coin. The more programs that work perfectly in Wine, the more vendors may feel inclined to not support their app with a native Linux client (or worse, discontinue their Linux client) because "it works fine with Wine".

Comment Sysadmin at a university or college (Score 1) 352

You say that you don't want to write code all day. I'm also guessing that you would like a job that is interesting and varied, with a minimal amount of seemingly unnecessary and boring stuff. Try getting an sysadmin job at a university or college, preferably a large one (many students and employees). Universities and colleges do a lot of varied work/research, and if you're lucky you'll get involved with many interesting projects. They also have a tradition in using open source software. You may even get paid working on FOSS. In my experience, universities can also be in the forefront in using new technologies. The work is important, but not important enough not to try new stuff. This type of work often attract smart, interesting people so it's a fair bet that your colleagues will be smart people that can really learn from.

Net Neutrality Bill Introduced In Canadian Parliament 132

FeatherBoa points out that the New Democratic Party in Canada has introduced legislation to limit the amount of control Canadian ISPs can exert over their subscribers. The bill would amend the Telecommunications Act to "prohibit network operators from engaging in network management practices that favour, degrade or prioritize any content, application or service transmitted over a broadband network based on its source, ownership or destination, subject to certain exceptions." Support for net neutrality in Canada has been building for quite a while now. Quoting CBC News: "'This bill is about fairness to consumers,' said Charlie Angus, the NDP's digital spokesman. It also looks to prohibit 'network operators from preventing a user from attaching any device to their network and requires network operators to make information about the user's access to the internet available to the user.' The proposed bill makes exception for ISPs to manage traffic in reasonable cases, Angus said, such as providing stable speeds for applications such as gaming or video conferencing."

Comment Web 2.0 FAQ (Score 5, Funny) 125

This seems like a good opportunity to mention the famous Web 2.0 FAQ by Rich "Lowtax" Kyanka on For those readers who are not entirely sure what web 2.0 is:

Question: What is Web 2.0?

Answer: Web 2.0 is a combination of Web 1.0 and being punched in the dick.

Question: How do I know I'm using a website / service / product that is officially "Web 2.0" and not actually "Web 1.0" with various patches and enhancements added to it?

Answer: Web 2.0 is made obvious by the addition of completely and highly unnecessary bells and whistles that don't do anything besides annoy you and make life more complicated. If Web 1.0 was the equivalent of reading a book, Web 2.0 is reading a book while all the words are flying around and changing pages as the book rotates randomly and sets your hands on fire. Also there's this parrot that keeps on flying towards your head in repeated attempts to gouge out your eyes.

Question: I read about this one website in Wired Magazine. Is that Web 2.0??

Answer: Oh definitely. Wired won't even mention Web 1.0 sites. Every single site in their magazine is at least Web 2.0. Sometimes they're even up to Web 45.2 (such as!

Question: My roommate said he "digged" a "wikipedia entry" about "the blogosphere" which mentioned "podcasting" as a viable form of "crowdsourcing."

Answer: Your roommate is a faggot. Also, this wasn't technically a question.

Question: What's Web 3.0?

Answer: It's a product or service planned on release in spring of 2008, and consists solely of websites enabling the user to create even more detailed Kirby ASCII art. (O'.')-o

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