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Comment Re:A Phoneless iPhone for Andre the Giant Sized Ha (Score 1) 128

The ipad works great with printers. I know its very confusing, but any wireless printer works pretty well with cloud printing. It detects the printer automatically and can print to it if its on the same network. It works better than any windows or linux based device does with HP's own drivers.

And well, it works well enough with a bluetooth keyboard and mouse. The mouse support is really really odd. I can't recommend that for anyone. And of course it works great with icloud storage.

But yeah, An ipad is a bigger ios device. That's it. You can even make phone calls on it. So doing iphone things but on bigger screens, maybe with more people than yourself.

Comment Re:Not Worth The Paper It's Written On (Score 1) 147

I mean yeah if Trump's in this isn't worth the paper its written on obviously. But, but I wonder how long it will be before the economics take over and it just happens anyways. There is a difference between stopping new laws from reducing coal usage to those that would subsidize it. Here's hoping in economic forces, and the incompetency of idiots.

Comment Re:Finally. (Score 1) 147

You're reading old papers that didn't understand the economics of renewables. Nuclear is more expensive on the whole and longer term to get any up and running. I'd be ok with building more nuclear, but I don't think that's going to happen due to a whole host of reasons. Its easy to underestimate the political difficulties of building nuclear or really any large infrastructure at least in the US. Renewables require a lot less red tape to be cut or public investment. I think we do need to move fast on some kind of energy storage mechanism to deal with days where solar and wind are not capable of meeting load if we aren't also adding nuclear. I guess thats what we're banking on natural gas, which while not carbon neutral is less carbon. And that can be done quick and cheap. Its important to be pragmatic rather than dogmatic to reduce greenhouse gasses asap.

Comment Re:isn't that just how used things work? (Score 1) 148

I don't know what a sane price is for this. If it were a laptop, $3200 is a great deal for a lightly used 5k original device. I think that reflects on the lack of utility for many many people. Its possible you contrarian reading my post have some use for it that can't be met with any other device. I don't know who you are or what your needs are but I'm also not in charge of you. Go do you're thing and report back how cool it is that you've done it.

Comment Don't finance Experimental electronics. (Score 5, Insightful) 148

Anyone reading this, please please do not finance a car's worth of money on some new gadget you're not even sure if you have a use for. I've had many friends do similar. Friends who took out tech loans from the university at 9% interest for a new gaming rig that was outdated in 3 years, and are still paying it back. Friends that would get behind on utility bills so they could get the brand new Gaming system. Just don't. Having entertainment and fun should be available for all, but do it with in your budget for heavens sake.

If you have 5k burning a hole in your pocket and you wouldn't' notice if it disappeared from your bank account, sure do it if thats what you enjoy.

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