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Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong? (Score 2) 193

"The only way to free the world from traffic is to significantly reduce unnecessary travel."

What we learned from COVID is not that people would avoid unnecessary travel, but they would avoid unwanted travel. WFH people stopped commuting (which was a boon to those whose essential work required on-site presence) but they kept getting in the cars and driving to Starbucks instead of STFH and make their own coffee. Buncha' idiots.

Comment Clear (Score 1) 213

I hire independent sub-contractors for my business, maybe 10,000 hours a year among about forty people. Mostly side work for them. If I have to count them as employees I won't have time to do the work that brings in business. The answer is simple. Turn away business and stopping hiring help.

Comment Re:Because they feel more powerful (Score 1) 110

" If Amazon made a case that tax evading loopholes were *good* for the country, people might actually think about the issue and come to the opposite conclusion."

This is only true if you don't benefit from the tax law. How do you feel about the mortgage interest deduction? In this case, Amazon is correct. They are following the rules. Ms. Warren and her colleagues are responsible for the rules.

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I find you lack of faith in the forth dithturbing. - Darse ("Darth") Vader
