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Comment Re:Precedent (Score 1) 225

Actually, I'm curious: why did you use bing?

Microsoft isn't an advertising company. They don't make 98% of their profit from selling access to your time and information like Google does.

No, they make 98% of their profit wasting your time (and information? I guess that's what BSODs are for!), unlike Google

Comment Re:Dude that would be soo cool... (Score 1) 171

"Dude, you know what would be really awesome?"
"If there was a display system that would allow multiple viewers to see a high-quality 3D image projected on a screen without the need for special glasses, regardless of where they are sitting."
"Dude... that would be totally awesome."
"We should totally invent that someday"
"Lets patent it just in case someone really does it!"

If you read the patent you'll notice that it has lots of math and such... Apple didn't just pull this out of Steve's ass.

Comment Re:Suspicious patent? (Score 2) 171

The whole point of patenting things (aside from trolling, which is actually contrary to the point, but anyway) is to get to market first because the PTO gives you a temporary monopoly (you're expected to exploit said monopoly, as a subsidy for the effort of invention).

Ergo, Apple filing a patent and then not getting to market promptly is kind of silly.

Comment Re:innovative? (Score 1) 171

It apparently is smart enough to know where the individuals are sitting and makes accommodations for that. Rather than requiring an individual to sit in a particular place like all the other systems like this do.

What about Wii head tracking (Google is your friend)?

Comment Re:Might I suggest an alternative currency (Score 1) 454

From TFA I think (and this is Google Translate so I don't trust it) the prof. was talking about, you know, cash, not money in general (i.e. everything would happen using credit cards and such).

And yes, I'm quite aware of Douglas Adams and your joke. It's just that it's not relevant. The professor is not suggesting a transition to a Star Trek (non)economy, he's just saying not to bother with physical currency.

Comment Re:4th (Score 1) 484

(*) It should be noted that the USG has steadfastly avoided violating the 3rd amendment, and should certainly be commended for its restraint in this matter.

This is false (unless "USG" specifically means the Federal government -- I would argue that state governments are just another level of the U.S. Gov't)

ObTopic: Demanding passwords is evil!

Comment Re:Go for it (Score 1) 1065

Nice feature if you are in a train or on a bus.

If you have GPS you can detect whether the device is on a highway or road

And how long do you think it would take for sites to appear with hacks for every phone to disable this?

That doesn't affect Joe Sixpack who couldn't jailbreak his iPhone by going to jailbreakme.com and touching the button, much less use such a hack.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
