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Comment Backfired! (Score 5, Insightful) 515

This is what happens when panic'd decisions are made. The police force thinks they can go in and silence the whole thing with a BS warrant and put an end to it, only for the story to be picked up nation wide and now they're drawing way more attention than ever.

Serves them right. This looks like a clear cut abuse of power by the department and now that the story is national, hopefully some heads will roll.

Comment Re:City of Heroes (Score 1) 43

Using Warhammer as an example, Warhammer itself generated new interest in the MMO market that spawned NEW players, not just "stolen" players from another game [WoW].

People need to stop thinking that the amount of MMO players is already an established limit. The pool of potential MMO gamers is continually growing and new games like this will flourish from the fresh blood of new games. Not to mention, it may jump start interest in CoH by their old players much like Warhammer did for WoW.

Seriously, what would YOU consider a smarter move.. creating a new MMO in another genre of the MMO market that they have to compete against and know nothing about? Or stick with the superhero MMO genre of which they already control and try out new ideas that simply don't fit in their current game, but would make a great new one?

Comment Re:I can see it now.... (Score 1, Informative) 54

If you bothered to RTFA. Quote "6.How are you dealing with inappropriate content? a.We've worked very closely with our customer service department to develop systems for this. In the end, we implemented a number of different systems. We have language filters that check for bad words and won't let you publish them until you remove them. We're also allowing players to flag content for inappropriateness. We also track all users and flags for any potential vote griefing."

Comment Re:Sounds fine to me (Score 0) 1246

That's assuming the kid wasn't bored to tear with the class because they already understood the lesson. That's also assuming the kid is texting another student that is in class. What if they were texting a friend who was in study hall? This is the 21st century way of passing notes in class that is simply not disruptive.

Comment Re:What makes you think it would do anything? (Score 1, Interesting) 1246

Have you ever seen someone texting where it was so disruptive that it got your attention to the point where it irritated you? I mean come on. Texting is about as disruptive an act as this kid reading a romance novel during class. The disruptive part of the scenario is the TEACHER making such a big fucking deal about nothing. If the kid was back there holding a texas hold'em game with 4 of their friends, then okay.. its a big disruptive deal. But its not even remotely close to that.

Comment Re:Fix the graphics! (Score 0) 170

Exactly. The graphics requirements should be read as "FPS requirements" since visually the game doesn't get better as your machine specs improve. It just makes it more playable, which is a really bad way to be viewed. Trust me, I was one of the hopefuls that this was going to be the WoW killer. Fortunately they still have the capital to keep developing and hopefully they will wake up and take note of the graphics complaints and rewrite some code. Here's to hoping.

Comment Fix the graphics! (Score 1) 170

Instead of expanding they need to address the major graphics requirement issue. You need a serious PC to run this game at even minimal settings. If they expect to gain more subscriptions, then they need to widen their gamer pool by allowing lower end PCs to run this game. Putting out expansions is nice to maintain subscriptions, but they should focus more at making the game more PC friendly for aging computers to continue to grow their customer base.

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