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Comment Re:what a lazy project (Score 4, Informative) 48

To be fair, all it does is open and close the valve to control whether it should or shouldn't give beer. The guy is doing the rest of the work and it looks like he's never poured a keg before.

  • He doesn't use a clean glass. He should first rinse the glass in cold water to clean and cool it.
  • He opens the tap just a bit, this guarantees to create a lot of foam. He should open and close it completely and quickly.
  • The angle is wrong; he should start at about 45 degrees and then gradually move it towards a vertical position. Holding the glass at a too small angle like he does will generate too much foam.

Comment Re:Piracy is fast becoming a civic duty (Score 1) 74

Yes, I can give away my music for free. But why the hell should I pay the MAFIAA for that? I think you're the one rationalizing and justifying what they're doing. Try it for yourself: record an album and then try to get CD's replicated and printed by a professional service without paying the MAFIAA. Maybe it's possible in the US, but not here in NL last time I checked. Or sell your album as a small artist and try to get money back from them. It's not possible because as a small artist, you'll never reach the threshold. Even if you're lucky enough to reach the threshold, it's just some change they'll give you. I think you have no idea how much they're screwing us, both artists and consumers.

As I said, it's not that I want to take everything without paying. I do support bands by buying merchandise from them directly because I know my money will go to them, I just refuse to support the MAFIAA.

Comment Re:Piracy is fast becoming a civic duty (Score 1) 74

If I record an album with my own music I should be able to do what I want with it, including giving it away for free, without having to pay the MAFIAA. As long as that's virtually impossible and they continue to screw over not only the consumers, but also the vast majority of bands and artists, they're not getting a dime from me and I'll pirate everything (note: downloading is still legal here in the Netherlands.) I don't pirate because I can't afford to buy it, or because I want things for free. I pirate because it's the right thing to do. The sooner the MAFIAA dies the better, for all of us, consumers and artists.

Comment Re:Not piracy (Score 5, Interesting) 74

No kidding. It was impossible for our band to get some demo CDs pressed without paying BUMA/STEMRA (Dutch MAFIAA) rights, even though they were our own works and the CDs weren't commercial. We were told that we could claim when the CDs were sold - which we never did because they were free demos. Even if we would have sold them, there was no way we could get any money back because we wouldn't have reached the threshold. So basically, smaller bands are paying for the MAFIAA and the bigger artists. I say, screw them in every way you can.

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