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Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 1002

Wish I had mod points for this. Developing is so much easier with two monitors. I've found for web UI, server side, application, pretty much all development is easier when I can view my code/debugger and output at the same time. Having to flip back and forth slows me down. The only saving grace for when I need to work with 1 monitor is workspaces/osx spaces. I still have to switch, but can at least keep each virtual monitor static to my liking, and not have to deal with window layering. Still 2 monitors is better.

Comment Re:LOL - Facebook credits (Score 1) 301

I thought we were going to Web 5.0, because it was so awesome it skipped 3 and 4. In Web 3.0 news, the blowhard founder of a company I worked for has been bandying about with that term for the past 3 years. He never really had a good explanation of it, but I think it made him feel smart. So smart that the company is barely hanging on with about 25% of its one time staff and customers.

Comment Re:Same time? (Score 1) 365

No case??? Seriously?? If you hit a man with your car and first thing you think about is "oh, I need to update my facebook status", than .... WTF is wrong with you???

Actually, yeah there would be no case for wrongful death. If you were posting about the event that occurred, how do you propose that facebook status update caused the accident? You got some new physics?
If you are making a case against uncouth behavior, sure, but last I checked thats not illegal.

Comment Re:Sorry Blizzard, no longer a customer (Score 1) 431

you do realize of course that blizzard is allowing a name change due to the frequency of the complaint you have. So, they solve the issue you have, and you still complain? I have a feeling that you'll find another reason seeing that your reason is most easily debunked. Clearly you just want to be negative, thats fine, but stop lying about a perfectly good game to get your warped view across.

Comment Re:Yeah, right (Score 1) 759

Or you know, the whole thing could be confirmation bias.

I once believed that smurfs murder more people than gnomes. So I searched smurf murder rates. somehow all those searches mentioned more murders by smurfs than gnomes, so I must have been correct.

Comment Re:Either that (Score 3, Interesting) 706

This is probably a landmine, but the church I grew up in actually had a different take on masturbation. It seemed a little silly at the time, but I kind of see the theology behind it a little bit more now. And yes, this was an everyday run of the mill protestant church.

The teaching was that masturbation is not a sin, but if you do it will viewing pornography, then the pornography is akin to fornication. Their logic was that masturbation while not viewing sinful material was fine.

Of course that takes all the fun out of it, but at least that seems a more plausible explanation to me.

Comment Re:Real plan to fix the Flash on iPhone dev concer (Score 1) 495

In regards to #3. HTML5 does not specify a video standard:

If you are truly into open source you want to use Theora, but support there is not full, so maybe you have to work with h.264, which has a myriad of licensing issues, I fail to see how this is truly superior to the issues faced with Flash currently. It to me feels like an "out of the pot and into the fire" scenario. Both have their pitfalls and neither are clearly better solutions until we get the HTML5 issue more clearly resolved.

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 976

This is not entirely correct. They also found that a very common problem was that there was difficulty in differentiating tail lights from brake lights. In many cars tail lights were simply brighter versions of the tail light. By adding a third light, or more simply a light that would NOT be there until brakes were applied, drivers would have less trouble realizing that brakes were being applied. So yes, there is still a benefit of "third eye" because it has become an indicator of braking.

This is very easy to notice. If you are not watching the tail lights in front of you closely, you would not know that the brightness changed because you do not have a frame of reference. Therefore a light which only illuminates when braking creates a very clear indicator.

Comment Re:They're going to do it anyway. (Score 1) 703

I'm not so sure abortion really fits the same criteria. Now while the argument that STD's are consequences of "immoral" sex is a purely religious one, pregnancy is not. Pregnancy is a natural consequence of sex. Whether you are religious, atheist, or spaghetti monsterist, you cannot argue that fact. Hell if you are an evolutionist you'd have to agree that until we learned to enjoy sex as a fun activity, it was purely for procreation, advancement of the species. The problem now is that since we have learned we can do it just for fun, we believe that we can avoid the natural result of sex. Especially now that we have the technology to end pregnancy, the belief is growing that sex can become purely non-consequential. I am personally middle of the fence on the subject, there are circumstances in which abortion may be a reasonable choice, but I do not see it as a get-out-of-jail-free card to do whatever one likes and then avoid the results. For the record, yes I am a religious type, and yes sex is pretty awesome. I do not believe it my place to control someones sexuality. I also believe that the existence of abortion should not be a free pass against the very possible result of sex should it occur.

TLDR: pregnancy is a consequence of sex no matter how, when or where you do it. You roll the dice, you should be prepared to handle the result of your actions

Comment Re:Not the first time this has come up (Score 1) 411

From what I can gather regarding General Code, they have copyright on the code that assembled the laws. The article stated that if someone were to copy the laws to word, it would be ok. They don't have a copyright on the laws, just the code to the program they are gathered under.
I was in a similar position with an EDMS with a city. We had the copyright to the EDMS system, not the documents stored in it. We did not have to give free access to the EDMS, but if someone requested content from it, it was up to the city workers to export data from the system.

Comment Re:How does that work, exactly? (Score 1) 136

On the satellite question, why are satellites a distant second? Well, the answer is right there, distance. Geostationary satellites orbit at 35,000 KM above the earth. So, if you wanted to send a signal from california to the satellite and have the satellite send it to Japan (assuming one satellite positioned perfectly could hit both locations) you'd at a MINIMUM have to travel 70,000 KM. that is 7 times the distance that a signal travels on the undersea line. I think it is pretty self explanatory from there.

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