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Comment Re:Although I hate sony I feel this is wrong (Score 2) 22

Appreciate your thoughts. I remember the rootkit CD's too.
But, here the issue is monopolistic behavior.
The FTC will try to block Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard on the ground(s) that it will create a monopoly. I believe that the only big player consoles are PS5 and Xbox. So, the big(gest) player is highly relevant.
For your example, it is more like your neighbor is trying to get details of the marriage of a marriage expert (if they exist).

Comment Keeping Secrets (Score 2) 28

No surprise here. These companies love to keep secrets. They believe that if their customers (the public?) knew their capacity/pricing v. competition then they lose.
My guess is that they could actually gain & handle some smaller orders (esp. max-out the ship), but they want only big orders (many shipping containers).

Comment Re:SONY once again ... (Score 1) 53

More abject BS from Sony.
Sony: the company that tried to add a rootkit to your PC when you played a CD; removed the other OS (linux) option from PS (and screwed the US Air Force?), etc.
And in this case per PC Mag:
Why Won't PlayStation VR 2 Play PS VR Games? Sony Doesn't Have a Good Reason
Sony SVP of Platform Experience Hideaki Nishino confirms that you won't be able to play your PS VR games on the PS VR 2. But his explanation for why makes no sense.
By Will Greenwald
September 17, 2022
To be clear, these games already run on the hardware to which the PS VR 2 will be tethered. The PlayStation 5 is backwards-compatible with PlayStation 4 games and works with the PS VR, and it's the console that does the bulk of running VR games. The headset handles display, sound, movement—all of the input and output of the experience—but it's the PS5 that actually drives the software and we already know it can do that.

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