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Comment Re:Why I like Unreal (Score 1) 217

Anon is right, it's called CSG substract. And also, it is evil. I don't remember the exact reason why it was evil (I haven't done any mapping for quite a while and I forgot a lot of the theory), but generally on every mapping/modding forum everyone would tell you not to use it.

Drawing floors, walls, and ceilings by hand, no matter how painful may it seem compared to drawing just the inside and hitting the magic button, is the way to go. If you'd be modelling a wall that is visible from both sides (for example a building in an outdoor area which you can enter), you're going to put a little more effort to properly shaping the brushes at the corners anyway, as to avoid either overdraw or texture-caulk z-fighting in the editor (which looks ugly).

It's a shame that building GtkRadiant on linux is virtually impossible these days. Code rot - the project is like, dead. I've once managed to get it running on some another machine, but it broke since then.

Comment Re:Assuming... (Score 1) 600

> What if we decided to use different Stars and not the Sun?
> Well basically the Mayan Calendar does this - They just use alot
> positions of Constellations to determine where they are in their cycle.

Holy crap. I've just realised how incredibly old their civilisation had to be. TFS mentions 25.800 year cycles...

The Internet

Geocities Shutting Down Today 396

Paolo DF writes "Geocities is closing today. Its advent in 1995 was a sign of the rising 'Internet for everyone' era, when connection speeds were 1,000x or 2,000x slower than is common today. You may love it or hate it, but millions of people had their first contact with a Web presence right here. I know that Geocities is something that most Slashdotters will see as a n00b thing — the Internet was fine before Geocities — but nevertheless I think that some credit is due. Heck, there's even a modified xkcd homepage to mark the occasion." Reader commodore64_love notes a few more tributes around the Web. Last spring we discussed Yahoo's announcment that Geocities would be going away.

Comment Re:100? (Score 4, Informative) 191


Q: Does the number of processors in a SMP system need to be a power of two/divisible by two?

A: No.

Q: Does the number of processors in a SMP system...

A: Any number of CPUs/cores that is larger than one will make the system an SMP system*.

(* except when it's an asymmetrical architecture)

Q: How do these patterns (power of 2, divisible by 2, etc) of numbers of cores affect performance?

A: Performance depends on the architecture of the system. You cannot judge by simply looking at the number of cores, just as you can't simply look at MHz.

Comment Re:I haven't tested this thoroughly, but... (Score 1) 232

Just test it out already!

$ python
>>> from commands import getouput as sh
>>> # i'm too lazy to write my own prime test function:
>>> def is_prime(n): return not bool(sh("factor %d" % n).split()[2:])
>>> # check a few integers to make sure it works:
>>> zip(xrange(10), map(is_prime, xrange(10)))
>>> maybe_primes = [(((i*10)+4)**2)+1 for i in xrange(20)]
>>> zip(maybe_primes, map(is_prime, maybe_primes))

That's what we have computers for.

Comment Re:Almost... (Score 1) 691

> If the universe were indeed so much more complex than we
> imagined (which I fully believe is possible)

No. The nature of the universe is simplicity. Simple solutions Just Work, while (too) complex solutions collapse under their own weight. Of course, there is always a certain treshold for what is simple and for whom.

> I fear that [..] it won't be a magical world of multiverses and time travel.

Seriously. What would you need time travel for?

Comment The brain (Score 1) 2

I've read once that the brain actually doesn't even distinguish between reality and immagination.

Like, you first close your eyes and try to visualise an apple. Then you open your eyes and take a look at a real apple. The magical brain-scanning instruments show that there is virtually no difference between the brain's reactions in both cases.

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