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Comment Great time to buy the stock! (Score 1) 75

There are two airline manufactures that make big passenger planes for the planet. Eventually Boeing is going to get past these quality issues, then it'll be back to 350/share.

It's still a great time to buy the stock.

Comment This whole process needs to be rethought (Score 1) 55

There are so many things that can go wrong with this project; it's so large; so complex and so many people have been involved that I feel it's likelihood of success is low. The Hubble space telescope had to be fixed before it really started working.

We need to stop building these complex systems in "the gravity well" and launching them in a "fire and forget" mode. We have a working, manned space station. We should be utilizing it. Send the parts up, assemble them, test the whole damn thing, once everything is confirmed working then release it.

Comment Re:Yeah... Elon says a lot of thing.... (Score 1) 260

Yeah, I agree. I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with an AI controlling my car either.

But here's the thing, I've been in accidents. Both were my fault and a car with auto breaking would have prevented them. Both accidents occurred on perfect weather days. They happened because I momentarily looked away from what is in front and subsequently bumping the cars ahead of me.

Comment Yeah... Elon says a lot of thing.... (Score 4, Insightful) 260

Like an overly optimistic engineer.... take what he says, double, and then double it again.

But, it doesn't need to be perfect. This is what a lot of people and media seem to miss. Yes, the system will break, yes, some one will die in an autonomous vehicle accident. It only needs to happen less frequently than with meat bag drivers. Last time I checked the public statistics, it's actually already doing that.

But anyhow, yeah, we're still years away from the highway safety bureau allowing it.

Comment Wait and see (Score 4, Interesting) 177

Having worked from home, and always have the ability to work from home, I'll always choose to go to the office at least most of the time. I like the work / life separation, I like seeing my co workers, I like office happy hours. I also like being downtown where I can easily access theaters, the opera, the symphony, all right after I finish my work day. I like walking too, my home is in an urban area with a very high walk score.

Yes, there will be more people that work from home more often, No, I don't believe that this will cause an urban flight. Cities have awesome amenities.

Comment Re:what a load of shit (Score 1) 481

"Your rights to remain healthy ends at your property line."

Wow, really?

She does stay inside our home. However, I have go out and shop for food and every time some fuck like you is mouth breathing behind me at the grocery line without a mask. I'm terrified of becoming a vector that causes her a fever that ultimately kills or mains my child.

So yeah, don't were a mask, be a vector. Kill my children. Do you want that guilt on your shoulders? What is so bad about wearing a face mask?

Comment Re:what a load of shit (Score 3, Insightful) 481

Because he didn't read the article. No were does it say "outdoors".

Wearing a mask inside or when really close to others (like an outdoor concert or protest) save lives.

My wife is pregnant and in a high risk category. Please put on a mask before our right of remaining healthy is impeded by some one else's hubris.

Comment Re:This has to be taken seriously (Score 1) 382

copy / pasting from another thread:

"This all started because of the Black Lives Matter protesting police brutality. We were having a huge rally.

The police got involved to manage the protest and you can guess what happened next. Things kept escalating. Go figure, you can't manage a protest against police brutality with police. The mayor did something very smart, she removed the police out of the equation and things really relaxed. It was fine for a few days. The protesting went on and it was peaceful. It's only four city blocks and a park. Things would have just blown over if they just would have let it be.

Then the president and a lot of (correction) media got involved, and this is what we have now."

Have you read about the community coming together for the amazing street art? Did you read about the silent walk?

Look at this video:

Comment Re:This has to be taken seriously (Score 2) 382

This all started because of the Black Lives Matter protesting police brutality. We were having a huge rally.

The police got involved to manage the protest and you can guess what happened next. Things kept escalating. Go figure, you can't manage a protest against police brutality with police. The mayor did something very smart, she removed the police out of the equation and things really relaxed. It was fine for a few days. The protesting went on and it was peaceful. It's only four city blocks and a park. Things would have just blown over if they just would have let it be.

Then the president and Fox News got involved, and this is what we have now.

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