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Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 836

You'd imagine incorrectly. Film grads wish they could operate mic booms for a living right out of school.

Union production jobs on studio features aren't make ends meet kinds of jobs. They are the goal. They're good jobs! Making movies! And they're good jobs because there's a union.

Don't get me wrong, the film and TV unions do a lot of things that don't make intuitive sense and that are inconvenient for a lot of people, even a lot of union members. But I have worked in production and development, and I'm glad the unions are there, because film producers are some of the worst, most knee-jerkingly exploitative people on Earth.

Comment Re:what do you think? (Score 2, Insightful) 347

Can you honestly not see how asserting a positive without evidence is different from asserting a negative based on lack of evidence?

Hint: in the former case, like in your Allah example, one is ascribing specific properties to something that is unobservable, impossible to test, impossible to prove. There is another word for this: fantasy.

There is no scientific evidence for unicorns, but I believe they're out there anyway because I want to/an old book told me to think that/it's convenient to my laziness of intellect.

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