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Comment Re:Big difference (Score 1) 110

That's only true for the largest companies -- and even they won't be able to predict what they'll run out of.

Consider video/moviemaking. The big ones have "runners" to get what's needed. This service replaces them -- probably at a lower cost. But most production teams are too small to have a dedicated runner, so this service is a godsend.

Comment Proven by Esperanto (Score 1) 274

This is actually one of the main benefits of Esperanto, a regular, constructed language that's much easier to learn than a "national" language.

Students who first study Esperanto and then go on to study another language learn the second language better than those who studied only the second language -- even if they had less time to learn it.

The science: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaedeutic_value_of_Esperanto

Comment Re:Profit Margins on the Apple Watch Edition (Score 5, Informative) 450

"the 18k gold used costs over $8,000"

Whatever you're smoking, I want some. Gold spot price is currently a bit below $1,200. Are you suggesting there's nearly 7 ounces of gold in these watches???

Oh, and spot price is for 24-karat gold, each ounce of which makes 1-1/3rd an ounce of 18-karat gold. So... does one of these watches weigh 10 ounces?

Comment Re:Blender FTW (Score 1) 223

I'm a videojournalist, and fairly long-time geek (see my Slashdot user number? ;) ). But I found Blender completely inappropriate for my uses. It's not built for what I do; it's too hard to learn; it's too hard to use. I wish it weren't so, but: No sale.

Comment Re:We have bigger problems (Score 4, Insightful) 83

"that's too bad but we have our own corrupt politicians here"

True, but your scale is off by 100x.

How much extra did you have to pay the last time you renewed your driver's license? The last time you took a bus? How much kickback do you pay your boss every week to keep your job? When a loved one is in the hospital, how much does the nurse demand directly from you to make sure they get fed?

Be real here.

Comment Re:But how to avoid this? (Score 1) 39

What you say is true, but it's not the main issue IMHO. Rather, it's that people rip copyrighted materials whole-cloth and post them as CC.

I produce short videos for a client, on a moderate budget. I was using lots of CC and public-domain labeled stuff from archive.org and YouTube. Then I realized, "Hey, wait! This TV show from the '50s is *not* public domain! Neither is this educational film from the '70s!"

This is what comes from people misunderstanding the slogan, "Information wants to be free." You get ignoramuses thinking, "Yeah, and I'm the one who'll set [someone else's stuff] free." There's a word for that -- theft. And that's what sadly permeates collections of "CC/PD" content

Comment What about the Turing Award winners? (Score 4, Interesting) 109

Microsoft's Pear Street office across the street houses at least two ACM A.M. Turing Award winners: Leslie Lamport and Chuck Thacker (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/news/features/lamport-031814.aspx). I wonder what the company will do with them, if anything....

(I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Lamport when he won: See http://vimeo.com/95177539 . Nice guy!)

Comment Some people *do* pay for jobs, and quite rightly (Score 1, Interesting) 183

I'm disappointed by the many people (all Americans, as far as I can tell) who post here to say, "fuck no! I'd never be so stupid!!!". This, I think, shows an extremely narrow understanding of the world. Because:

a) America is not the world. There are *many* places where you're expected to pay for your job, in one way or another. Sometimes it's above-board, sometimes not. I don't know about Malaysia, but wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the custom there.

b) Oh, wait, we have this in America, too! I paid LOTS of money to my managing broker when I was a real-estate agent. These are standard fees: Everyone at every agency pays them. And let's not forget the *MINIMUM WAGE* workers forced to pay for their uniforms and so forth.

So stop with the high-and-mighty. You're speaking from ignorance, not strength.

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