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Submission + - Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla ( 1

quantic_oscillation7 writes: "Payments to nonexistent companies? Funding politics? Reliance on a single customer? And that's just for starters."

"As of 2021, Mozilla (including the Foundation and the wholly owned For-Profit Corporations), had total assets worth over $1.1 Billion USD. That’s Billion. With a B."

"The head of Mozilla earned roughly $5.6 Million during 2021. The rest of the executive team ranged, more or less, from $100k to $300k.

Interesting to note that the Mozilla CEO earned nearly as much ($5.6 M) as Mozilla received in donations ($7 M)."

"Where, exactly, does all that money go?"

"Mckensie Mack is a public speaker who regularly discusses her anger at “White Colonialism” and her dislike of “CIS” men and women. The “Mckensie Mack” company website blog primarily discusses abortion and Trans related issues.

Why would a company that develops a web browser want to pay her close to half a million dollars (in one year)? That remains unclear. It is, however, worth noting that this is a far larger expense than any of the executive team of Mozilla earn in salary (other than the CEO)."

"That founder, Neil Lewis Jr., appears to have focused his career on “vaccine acceptance”, problems with “white” people, and his theory that “white people” can not be victims of discrimination.

What does this “Action Research Collaborative” actually do? Why would Mozilla need their services and be willing to pay $100,000 for it?"

"So many questions
The deeper we dig into Mozilla and their financials, the more questions come up.

Why does Mozilla give so much money to political speakers that have no relationship to their core business?

Why does Mozilla seem unconcerned with alienating a large portion of their user base (which is already shrinking)?

Why do some of the recipients of Mozilla money appear to be nothing more than empty shells of companies — not even having a simple website?

Why does Mozilla continue to take donations if it doesn’t need them?

Where does Mozilla spend those donated dollars? Do they go to the strange discretionary spending or political organizations?

With the 70%+ reliance on Google (a competitor) for revenue, why is Mozilla spending money on projects that have no goal of being profitable (and have no relation to their core business)?

What happens when the Google funding goes away? Mozilla appears certain that it never will (based on their spending). why is that?

Why is Mozilla decreasing software development funding when development of Firefox is the cash cow?"

Submission + - YouTube Ads May Have Led to Online Tracking of Children, Research Says (

An anonymous reader writes: This year, BMO, a Canadian bank, was looking for Canadian adults to apply for a credit card. So the bank’s advertising agency ran a YouTube campaign using an ad-targeting system from Google that employs artificial intelligence to pinpoint ideal customers. But Google, which owns YouTube, also showed the ad to a viewer in the United States on aBarbie-themedchildren’s video on the “Kids Diana Show,” a YouTube channel for preschoolers whose videos have been watched more than 94 billion times. When that viewer clicked on the ad, it led to BMO’s website, which tagged the user’s browser with tracking software from Google, Meta, Microsoft and other companies, according tonew researchfrom Adalytics, which analyzes ad campaigns for brands. As a result, leading tech companies could have tracked children across the internet, raising concerns about whether they were undercutting a federal privacy law, the report said. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act,or COPPA, requires children’s online services to obtain parental consent before collecting personal data from users under age 13 for purposes like ad targeting.

Adalytics identified more than 300 brands’ ads for adult products, like cars,on nearly 100 YouTube videos designated as “made for kids” that were shown to a user who was not signed in, and that linked to advertisers’ websites. It also found several YouTube ads with violent content, including explosions, sniper rifles and car accidents, on children’s channels. An analysis by The Times this month found that when a viewer who was not signed into YouTube clicked the ads on some of the children’s channels on the site, they were taken to brand websites that placed trackers — bits of code used for purposes like security, ad tracking or user profiling — from Amazon, Meta’s Facebook, Google, Microsoft and others — on users’ browsers. As with children’s television, it is legal, and commonplace, to run ads, including for adult consumer products like cars or credit cards, on children’s videos. There is no evidence that Google and YouTube violated their 2019 agreement with the F.T.C.

The report’s findings raise new concerns about YouTube’s advertising on children’s content. In 2019, YouTube and Google agreed topay a record $170 million fineto settle accusations from the Federal Trade Commission and the State of New York that the company had illegally collected personal information from children watching kids’ channels. Regulators said the company hadprofited from using children’s datato target them with ads. YouTube then said it would limit the collection of viewers’ data andstop servingpersonalized ads on children’s videos. On Thursday, two United States senators sent a letter to the F.T.C., urging it to investigate whether Google and YouTube had violated COPPA, citing Adalytics and reporting by The New York Times. Senator Edward J. Markey, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Senator Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, said they were concerned that the company may have tracked children and served them targeted ads without parental consent, facilitating “the vast collection and distribution” of children’s data. “This behavior by YouTube and Google is estimated to have impacted hundreds of thousands, to potentially millions, of children across the United States,” the senators wrote.

Submission + - CentOS 8 has new EOL it is now the end of 2021

oldgraybeard writes: Redhat has just torpedoed CentOS 8 as an unbranded Redhat Enterprise stable. CentOS Stream: Building an innovative future for enterprise Linux and FAQ — CentOS Project shifts focus to CentOS Stream

Not sure what others think I use CentOS because it is Redhat unbranded stable and has a path to Redhat. Now CentOS 8 Stream looks like cutting edge. And I do not use cutting edge or quick turn distros(fedora).

I am looking to move elsewhere maybe Debian/Ubuntu LTS(20.04 looks pretty good) My take could be wrong. What do others think?

Comment Re:From WHO...some numbers! (Score 1) 195

and do you think that ALL reported covid19 deaths are REALLY from covid19?

- [German Infectologist Decimates COVID-19 Doomsday Cult In Open Letter To Merkel | Zero Hedge](

"According to a report in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, not even the much-cited Robert Koch Institute knows exactly how much is tested for COVID-19."

"(...)the mistake is being made worldwide to report virus-related deaths as soon as it is established that the virus was present at the time of death – regardless of other factors. This violates a basic principle of infectiology: only when it is certain that an agent has played a significant role in the disease or death may a diagnosis be made.
The Association of the Scientific Medical Societies of Germany expressly writes in its guidelines: In addition to the cause of death, a causal chain must be stated, with the corresponding underlying disease in third place on the death certificate. Occasionally, four-linked causal chains must also be stated.“"

Submission + - SPAM: Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2020 for Windows 7/10 (32/64-Bit) Free Download

An anonymous reader writes: Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2020 is the best virus protection software that shields the desktops from viruses, ransomware, phishing attacks, etc. For safeguarding the PC, Privacy, and Private Files, this Kaspersky Lab’s Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a perfect choic
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Submission + - CentOS 8 announced, along with new CentOS Stream (

rbowen writes: The CentOS community is delighted to announce the release of CentOS 8. We're also releasing a new thing — CentOS Stream — which is a rolling upstream preview release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

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