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Comment Re:Colorado (Score 1) 464

Even though the Denver metro has gone up the last couple years, it's still a bargain if you're a software dev in terms of cost vs. what you get vs. what you'll make.

You can buy a nice, < 15 year old single family home in the burbs for $250k. That same house would be 3x - 4x that in any of the coastal "tech cities".
(That goes up the closer to the foothills/mountains you go. Stay east of I-25 and it's completely true, west of I-25 and you're going toward the $350k range).

A Sr. Engineer is going to start at about $130k, a mid-level probably just north of $100k. Unless you go to work for one of the big guys (Google, Oracle, HP, Twitter, etc) in which case it's actually more.

The city, area, and people are wonderful. Denver is *like* a big city, but it's really not at all - the entire metro area has maybe 1.5m people (I think Denver proper is at about 700k). Great music scene, great restaurants, museums, etc, etc. And if you're into the outdoors at all, this is the place to be.

As a transplant from Washington D.C. (been here 8 years) I can tell you you'd have a very hard time dragging me away.

Basically, you'll get paid almost as much as you would on the coasts, and your cost of living is half. No, it's not as cheap as but it's still a great bargain for a real metro IMHO.

Comment Re:Kinda stupid since (Score 1) 531

Who is to say that a AI does not have a soul? Do you have some type of test to prove it does not?

I have no test to prove that AI does not a soul. I also have no test to prove that there is not a hyper-intelligent, 9-dimensional, massless, invisibile spectral flamingo perched upon my head all times. And yet, I do not believe it is there.

Comment A La Cartel (Score 1) 196

Imagine a world where the cable company bought all the restaurant chains. Meals are no longer for sale! If you want to eat dinner at Chili's, just sign up for an expensive monthly service providing all-you-can-eat food at 37 chains all around town.

What's that, you only want to eat out occasionally at one or two restaurants? That's your choice but the price is the same.

Oh, did I mention that each meal will be interrupted 2-3 times for several minutes of pitches from various unrelated businesses? Don't worry, you'll get used to it! Soon it will seem normal to eat this way.

Comment Re:It makes you uneasy? (Score 1) 1007

Do you KNOW when TIME CUBE
4 corner simultaneous conference
meets? When you see 24 hour Days
that occur within a single 4 corner
rotation of Earth then join the ONEism.
Also consult the East Lansing Days Inn
for group rate discounts.

The universe does not exist, except as
opposites. Your Belly-Button Signature Ties
To Viviparous Mama.

Comment Re:Still a second class citizen (Score 1) 214

The Nexus 6 is just one of many Android devices, with a specific feature set. If you want an SD card then choose a different device.

On the other other hand, changes to the Android OS can limit every device by every manufacturer. I'm really glad Google is reverting the badly considered restrictions from Android 4.4.

Comment Achievement robots are the goal (Score 1) 389

This leaves many colleges favoring achievement robots who excel at the memorization of rote knowledge...

This is also how most colleges go about evaluating their students! SAT scores and high school grades are actually the perfect metrics to use, because they match up with the way that colleges are run. If there is any hope of changing this, we should start by actually valuing creativity, curiosity, and open discussion of ideas in college.

Typical colleges will throw a mountain of work and an onerous set of rules at their students, and then see who can survive. This works because anyone who can handle it will also be able to handle an employer's demands.

Comment Re:ICANN sell to the highest bidder (Score 1) 67

I hope you are right! I haven't seen that stated anywhere else.

If you are right, then you should really complain about the original submission, which states that Amazon "now has exclusive rights" to the domain and that there is "no word yet on Amazon's plans for the new domain suffix." That certainly reads like they're getting it all to themselves.

Comment ICANN sell to the highest bidder (Score 3, Interesting) 67

Wikipedia states:

ICANN's primary principles of operation have been described as helping preserve the operational stability of the Internet; to promote competition; to achieve broad representation of the global Internet community; and to develop policies appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.

This auction is a blatant contradiction of these principles. An auction does promote a narrow sort of competition, technically, but anyone who didn't have millions of dollars to spare had no opportunity to participate. Now that Amazon has won, the competition is over, and the global Internet community can go broadly fuck themselves.

We should expect much better from the non-profit organization in charge of the world's domain names.

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