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Comment Re:To put that in perspective (Score 1) 252

There were plans for a TEA laser in Scientific American Amateur Scientist column once that claimed 100KW, which sounded absolutely astounding until you realize the beam pulses are only 10 nanoSeconds long - so an ordinary amount of energy from a 6volt battery charging up a capacitor looks fantastic when expressed as power, or energy per unit of time, cuz the denominator (time) is so small ;)

Comment Re:Good thing I live in North Carolina (Score 1) 266

Actually - if you read that blog carefully, which I did since I visit the outer banks quite often, they are, still bizarrely, regulating I guess official state reports of expected sea level rise, to be calculated a certain way. Basically, a group of coastal property owners are afraid of devaluing property from overly pessimistic predictions. Kinda like, I remember in the 80s when amazon rainforest destruction was all the rage and all these celebrities were getting on the bandwagon, each one outdoing the other saying how fast it's being destroyed and just tossing out meaningless numbers to try to get people motivated - 'they're destroying millions of acres every second!' - I can see how someone would be afraid of gw activists 'peppering' the predicted numbers to try to get a reaction, just like anti-drug crusaders make drug use sound worse than it really is.

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