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Comment Re:The cruelest part (Score 0) 409

You'd expect more companies to relocate large numbers of jobs to areas where "high pay" isn't as high, but oddly enough, they don't.

Neither the people running the companies nor their prospective employees want to live in those places. This is not only its own impediment, but it also results in a lack of available talent in those places. Since people are dirt broke now, the company would have to pay them relocation to attract them, and/or offer moving and housing which then gets them into a liability situation. There's nothing odd about it.

Comment Re:oh duh (Score 4, Interesting) 301

Just like when an actor is playing a piano on-screen, you can tell the difference between real typing and fake typing when you watch it.

There is a middle ground where the timing of the keystrokes is used for the display of the keystrokes. They don't have to hit the right keys, but it still helps. And you can do it after the fact with timecodes, or you can code it into the demo. The fact that so many movies fail at it even though they have two perfectly good options for implementing it is particularly pathetic.

Comment Re:What's with the Doom and Gloom? (Score 1) 257

I own a warehouse and have to pay a security firm to receive emergency signals for freezing (pipes!) and smoke or overheating. I'd like to be able to monitor it myself.

Numerous technologies already exist to do this. You could actually do it entirely by purchasing off-the-shelf equipment. You don't need to involve Google.

Comment Re:An F- for the handling of Solaris (Score -1, Troll) 223

I do not know of any OS that can run on a tiny PC AND on a big-mama cluster with exactly the same code.

I guess you've never heard of Linux, which is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. You should get out more. Maybe try reading some geek news sites. I hear there's this one called slashdot where they talk about Linux a lot.

Comment Re:i'll buy it if (Score 1) 198

Geez they finally do the right thing after people yelled and screamed at how badly they fucked up and make it offline capable and you beg for it to be tied back into an online DRM system. Why for gods sake?

They're not taking it out of Origin. It's still going to have DRM. HTH, HAND.

Comment Re:Alternatives, if you like the game consept. (Score 1) 198

All three of those games, plus every other Open sim game like OpenTTD and FreeCol (with the exception of FreeCiv, which is only bad) have complete shit interfaces that prove that no one gives a fuck about them. This ruins more Open games than anything else. What's sad is that people cook up their own fancy interfaces instead of just copying the original game and using normal OS widgets, and they make them uglier than they need to be. Stop trying to be creative if you have no sense of style!

Comment Re:I'm still sad... (Score 1) 223

If MySQL did not exist, Postgresql might not be as good as it is.

Competition is good, it permits the market to try out new ideas.

Lots of us are using MySQL without problems because someone else has handled the details, and we don't care if it's stupid. If postgres were easier to use, maybe more people would use it.

Comment Re:An F- for the handling of Solaris (Score 3, Insightful) 223

No dependable only repository of packages that is robust or up to date. Far to much package hunting still required to locate software for solaris. Most packages are months to years behind there linux counterparts.

This is something that has boggled my mind for nigh-on twenty years. Eighteen of them, I guess. Linux came with all the latest tools, but in order to get them for Solaris you'd have to download some old tools and use them to build some new tools. Ultimately I think it's really all about selling you the sunspro compilers, or whatever they're called now, two decades on. If it's too easy to just use gcc, nobody will ever buy sunspro, for which they want a massive stack of cash. It's the only compiler that generates very good SPARC code, and it costs a million billion dollars so many people didn't bother to buy it, and went GCC instead. And then they were throwing away performance. If you're going to run those tools, you might as well run them on x86-Linux. And in fact, that's been eroding Solaris steadily for all this time.

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