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Comment The problem is the data itself (Score 1) 39

As long as data is collected and stored it has the potential for abuse. It doesn't matter if it's held by private companies or a centralized agency. People are by nature corrupt and whoever has access can be compelled through any variety of ways to cooperate with nefarious intentions. Be it by governments or corporate conglomerates. The real answer is just say no. Don't give them your data.

Comment Re:Win win (Score 2) 39

For want of an edit button.... I wanted to add right after I hit submit that most corporations will not go to Proxmox because it's not really an enterprise solution. I like it, and I think it's a great VMWare alternative for a lab or non critical environments. Our department ended up going with Nutanix. We're not Internet connected (electrical infrastructure). Our management sees open source as a four letter word. There's no one to sue if something goes wrong. But for those who have Internet access the least expensive solution (up front anyway) is cloud based.

Comment Seems like they want to kill it (Score 1) 105

Now days there's a big push toward the cloud. VMWare has gotten very expensive. So much so that we replaced it with Nutanix because we can't put our system in the cloud. I suspect Broadcom is positioning VMWare to die. When it was just starting out it made sense to get community IT people using it so they'd push it in the IT environment. They don't want that anymore.

Comment Re:Streaming is broken (Score 1) 62

Right, but that limits the usefulness of what you're paying for to protect their profits. Much like software licensing, DRM, copy protection, all of which do nothing to benefit you as a consumer. It gets in the way, breaks what you've already paid for, limits your ability to use it and the pirates just skirt right around it. It doesn't stop them at all.

Comment Re: layoffs are a way of life (Score 1) 72

If you think he's wrong I would suggest you forget everything you've been taught by your professors. Go do some research and get yourself an actual education. Socialism requires the government to control the means of production. Communism is always where socialism leads. Every time. There is no where communism has worked. If you think the disparity of the haves and have nots is bad under capitalism then brother you're really going to hate communism.

Comment Re:get rid of the tipped min wage and let tips com (Score 1) 215

I'm not opposed to the idea of a livable wage. Everyone should be able to pay their monthly bills and still eat. But there's a big difference between the McDonalds employee who listens to what the customer wants and presses the appropriate button (half the time getting it wrong) and the server who takes the order from the customer, ensures the cook gets it right, and has to repeatedly check on the customer throughout the meal. The McDonalds employee is usually getting at least minimum wage. The restaurant employee is typically making what's known as a tipped wage well below minimum wage. The idea being that by tipping in restaurants you weed out bad service. Those who aren't attentive and don't do their job don't make enough tips and they go find another job somewhere else. Now it's become an extra expectation for anyone who has to interact with the public even though they're already making minimum wage. Another aspect to this is the more we increase costs for business owners the more they pass on to everyone else. At some point only the extremely well off will be able to afford to dine out. And they aren't the ones who typically dine out. Which means businesses will close and jobs will go away.

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