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Comment Let's pump some more energy into the atmosphere (Score 1) 166

As if global warming isn't enough, let's microwave the atmosphere until it boils away.
If anything makes sense, we shoul be radiating energy to space to cool down the atmosphere and maintain a balanced energy budget. (That's budget in Joules, not Dollars/Euros)

Comment Re: Shit Planes (Score 1) 102

The Israeli Air Force would beg to differ. On a number of occasions they have publicly announced that they have flown missions over Syria and other parts of the Middle East. The IAF is not known for bogus claims.
As for this ejection seat issue, the IAF has also grounded its jets until proven safe to fly.

Comment Is it life Jim? Not as we know it. (Score 5, Interesting) 83

Spontaneous compartments are still not cellular life. A self-replicating molecule is almost there. A self-replicating molecule that can also produce other molecules that assemble as a protective membrane is even closer. I'm guessing that before the membrane producing "gene" there was some other "gene" that encoded an energy harvesting mechanism that could be used for activities such as replication.

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