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Comment Re:What's the point of mentioning the age? (Score 1) 97

Yes and No I guess. What was rocket science to my parents was 9th grade mathematics to me, same would apply here - no need to learn the basics of assembly, disassembly, identifying functions by groups of bytes, or even determining the USB protocols necessary to debug when someone else has done that part for you.

"You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had..."

Comment Re:Well duh (Score 2) 67

I know we talk about how long it takes a machine to get infected but hot damn these hospitals must be loading these machines up behind no firewalls at all to get to the internet. I would have to actually make conscious efforts to do that just to punch past the usual NAT, let alone everything else. What the hell are these people doing??

Comment Re:Ubuntu _is_ primarily a desktop OS... (Score 1) 167

The same as MS Windows. It is just the one people know. That does not make it a good choice for the cloud, just a familiar one.

I would absolutely prefer not to, but the work we use linux servers for doesn't require an install of scientific or similar. We deploy ubuntu based on the all seeing theory.. if we are hit by the ever feared busses, some idiot is going to have to maintain the servers. Odds are good that the linux experience on the new hires CV will be Ubuntu, so we build to that lowest common denominator. Sanity in that? Maybe.

Comment Re:Test your site with this (Score 3, Insightful) 54

The SSL Labs are a fantastic reference.

Turns out when I was using their guides and aiming for an A+ rating in October (not long after I took over the current post) I accidentally mitigated TLS POODLE before it even became publicly known. So.. whoops? Better not follow the best practices guides next time, better just patch the vulnerabilities as they come ;)

Comment Re:You'll get a princess if you raise a princess (Score 4, Insightful) 584

Ahh shit man. My daughter calls herself a princess. She can also put up shelves, throw a ball, and is top of her grade in the martial arts she elected to do (although this is probably because she saw me head off to do them, so my bad there yes?). We have always spoken to her like she is a human being, and part of our family - and you know what? She's pretty damned independent and capable. You can call her princess without applying the don't do anything to them. Also, fuck it. If she wants to find a prince and marry the man, why the fuck would I stop her.

I don't know why we can't just let kids be kids. If a boy wants to call himself princess, nothing wrong with that, but as soon as a girl calls herself princess we're all up in arms.

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Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
