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Comment C# sucks (Score -1, Troll) 109

C# runs nowhere, not even in windoze.
I used to participate in a project which provided a library to unify the access to certain applications (structural analysis), some of which are free and some of which are commercial. The library was developed in C#. Then, we would use the library to make (structural) optimization code, which would be structural application agnostic.
One of our partners who developed an structural analysis application in C++, insisted on using VStudio 2010 because they said newer versions were not compatible. Indeed when we tried to use VStudio 2017 our library code would not run and had to make changes to the code. The same when we used VStudio 2019 (since then I left the project).
At home, I tried to run the library in Linux with mono. It would not compile. Also, many moons ago, a colleague told me that mikro$oft had made an "free" compiler in Linux. It didn't compile the library - it didn't even run an example of the documentation.
And, please, VStudio is NOT free software. You have to make a mikro$oft account to use it after some time.

Java has the problem of Oracle, a but at least it runs anywhere. I participated in a project 10 years ago, where I worked in Linux, and the other developers in windoze, and I never had any problems.

Comment Re:One question - why indeed? (Score 1) 53

Don't forget the price. My wife bought an Acer laptop (Celeron, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk, no Windoze) for 225 euros some years ago. It runs Linux (SuSE) perfectly. To take it to the extreme, I ran Linux (Ubuntu Mate) in Raspberry PI 2B. It cost about 60 euros without the monitor. I couldn't be happier with it. I used web mail, I browsed the internet, I watched utube. I ran Office applications, CAD, finite elements analysis. All my programs run without any issue after a recompilation.

The real question is, why do I a need a MAC and MACOS?

Comment Re: Stop breaking Python would be a huge help (Score 1) 130

I disagree. The incompatible changes in python3 are few. They were being debated for many years before python3 was made. After python3 was made, you could gradually alter your code in python2, which backported some of the new features, for example the new style print. Python2 was supported for many years after python3 was made. The whole process took almost 20 years. If anything, it can not be better than that. In 20 years I will have retired. 20 years ago someone younger had not finished school or was not even born.

Comment Re:Umm No (Score 1) 374

It is his money and he can do whatever he wants with it. He wanted Mir, and Mir would be OSS software. Good. We, in the Linux community, like pluralism. If he had finished it, I would try it and maybe I would use it. I certainly use Unity and I like it. I might be in the minority, but I don't harm anyone using it.
Nobody forces you to use Mir, Unity or Ubuntu. And if you use Ubuntu, it is for free. I don't understand the hate.
It seems that AC has this favorite project Wayland, and wants to force others to spend their money on what AC likes, and not what they like.

Comment Bad news (Score 1) 386

I am sorry to hear this. Unity is a desktop I like to play with, browse some sites, make a documents and so on. It is something different than KDE and Gnome and it adds to the plurality of Linux. The majority of /.ers didn't like it, but we will all be poorer without it.
And, no, I don't have the resources or the expertise to take it over. I will probably switch to KUbuntu.

Submission + - Is Scala worthwhile?

Qbertino writes: Scala is one of the JVM languages that manages to maintain a hip and professional vibe at the same time. One reason for this probably being that Scala was built by people who knew what they were doing. It has been around for a few years now in a mature form and I got curious about it a few years back.
My question to the slashdot community:
Is getting into Scala worthwhile from a practical/industry standpoint or is it better to just stick with Java?
Have you done larger, continuous multi-year, multi-man and mission-critical applications in Scala and what are your experiences?
Is Scala there to stay wherever it is deployed and used in real-world scenarios or are there pitfalls and cracks showing up that would deter you from using Scala once again?
And, perhaps equally important, do you have to be a CS/math genius to make sense of Scala and use it correctly?
Your educated opinion is required. Thanks.

Comment Re:Suborbital? (Score 1) 76

Give the man a break. He does not spend his money in private jets; he uses it to follow his dream about space. He has done incredible work, reusing suborbital rocket 4 times. He is of the mentality to do one thing at time, to make slow and steady progress. Which is fine as far as I am concerned.
And don't forget that he has a contract to build a rocket engine for the ULA. I don't think that the people in ULA are idiots, they are reasonably certain that Bezos will build the engine.
Ok, Musk has accomplished more, but who knows who will prevail at the end.

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