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Comment Protected classes (Score 4, Insightful) 681

But how will you know if a firm passed you over because of something you said online? It'd be impossible to enforce.

Unfortunately, that's not true. It seems to make sense that there is no way that one could know why an employer did something. But certain legislators don't think that way.
For a number of classes of people ( genders, ethnic groups, etc ) the mere act of not having the right number of people of a certain class can be construed as proof that there was discrimination.
So, someday, after you have posted a picture of yourself butt-naked sharing a twelve-pack with your buddies outside the local convent, and you remain unemployed, you will be able to sue. All you will have to show is that X percent of the population does such things, and if a particular employer has significantly less than X percent of such people among their employees, they are therefore guilty of discrimination.

Comment Re:Commuters and travelers (Score 1) 355

Nobody's content is that valuable.

Allow me to introduce my new site: googleeverywhere.com. The main server is in Russia someplace. It runs a botnet. The bots, of course, are running on the systems of clueless windows users.
You want google from anywhere in the world? Go to googleeverywhere, it passes the request on to a bot, which queries google, then passes the answer back.
Google can try to shut it down by sending a request to googleeverywhere and seeing where the request comes in, and then cutting of that IP address. But in doing that, google thereby shuts down access for users who have paid for the service through their IP.

Comment Commuters and travelers (Score 4, Insightful) 355

My business requires that I travel. On a slow week I use two different ISPs. In a busy week, a dozen. And we're not even talking about vacations yet.
If your site isn't available everywhere, I'll find something else. Nobody's content is that valuable.

Although, if I'm wrong and this business model does take off, the back side is even uglier: there will be ISPs that offer their services based on what you can't get. It will cater to employers, libraries, schools and other places that don't want people accessing certain sites.


Submission + - A pothead's pursuit of justice (usmjparty.com)

Richard J. Rawlings writes: "London Free Press

Wednesday, 7 May, 2008

A pothead's pursuit of justice

Marc Emery is standing behind the counter at his former business, the City Lights bookstore on Richmond Street, talking about his quixotic quest to end society's prohibition on marijuana.

"My argument for marijuana is not that it's good for you and not that it's safe," he says. "It's that any law that punishes peaceful and honest behaviour is an unjust law and must be struck down."

Canada's self-proclaimed "prince of pot" — the man whose ongoing legal battle with the U.S. government has prompted profiles by the Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone magazine, 60 Minutes, CNN and CBC — is in London to visit his ailing mother.

But Emery rarely passes up a chance to proselytize.

And so, he talks."


Submission + - Someone is stealing my domain - need realtime help

Daniel Boulet writes: "Executive summary: I am looking for someone associated with the gandi.net domain registrar who can suspend my account until they open for business tomorrow morning.

The details: Someone has managed to (mostly) steal one of my domains — retry.com. They appear to have done this by:
  • changing the contact address for my account at my domain registrar (gandi.net)
  • using the gandi.net lost password mechanism to request a new password for my account
  • logging into my account and initiating a domain ownership transfer
I received the notification of the contact address change and immediately logged into my gandi.net account before they changed the password. I changed the contact address back to the correct address. Shortly afterwards, I received the 'standard' e-mail asking me to approve the transfer. When I tried to reject the transfer, I discovered that the thieves had also managed to change the password to my gandi.net account (I suspect that they did this using gandi.net's lost password mechanism after they changed the contact address). The thieves seem to somehow managed to complete the transfer of my retry.com domain since whois now says that it is owned by a Copenhagen entity (it also says that it is owned by Boulet Fermat Associates which is me but I'm based in Canada). I spent the first few hours after this happened changing the contact address back and changing the DNS server configs for my domains back to what they were supposed to be — this was a cat and mouse game of sorts since the thieves were working to change them to their values and I was busy changing them back. At the present time it appears that the thieves have stopped trying to change my contact address or my DNS configurations but they could restart at any time.

The only reason that I am able to defend my other domains from being stolen is that I'm still logged into gandi.net's website. I am making sure that I do something at least every few minutes so that the session does not timeout. If I loose the session then I can't log back in again since they changed the password after I logged in. I am not able to use the gandi.net lost password mechanism to get the password back again since the site only allows the mechanism to be used once per day.

My plan is to keep monitoring the account until gandi.net — located in France — opens for business tomorrow (around midnight MST tonight in the US/Canada). This should work as long as my session to the gandi.net site does not timeout although life would be simpler if someone could put me in touch with someone at gandi.net who could simply turn off my accounts until the dust settles (there are two of my accounts involved as near as I can tell).

One interesting bit is that they changed the contact address on my gandi.net account to greatdomains@inbox.com. There's a blog article here describing a different domain theft that happened a few days ago and which used the same greatdomains@inbox.com e-mail address."

Submission + - Where do you look for (full-time) jobs?

An anonymous reader writes: I find myself thinking about finding a new job but not seeing too many opportunities. The last time I did this, I mostly used craigslist, though I also browsed 37signals, 43folders, CrunchBoard, GigaOM, Joel On Software, Slashdot and The Daily WTF. I am also aware of CareerBuilder, Dice and monster but have found that they offer very few interesting opportunities and most positions tend to be contract. I used to have more than a hundred jobs to skim through each day but now I'm frequently seeing ten or fewer. It's possible there are just fewer jobs available but I suspect a lot of companies have just found new listing sites. What resources are you using when searching for full-time jobs (not contract)?
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Nominate best Slashdot sigs

alexo writes: Some readers may disagree but to me, the user signatures are an integral part of Slashdot discussions, often providing additional perspective about the posters' opinions.
However, sigs are not normally considered a part of the discussion and commenting on them is liable to get you moderated "off topic". Likewise, sig moderation is not provided.

Maybe it's time to acknowledge and celebrate the lowly sig.
Please nominate the best (and worst) Slashdot sigs of 2007.
Which ones did you find the funniest? The most insightful? Trollish?

Let the quoting begin.

Submission + - What if the economic unit of account was the watt? 2

Anonymous Coward writes: "I am no economist but if certain individuals are to be believed fiat currency is a bag of lies. With energy seeming to be the driving force behind our economy, something we'll always need in some form or another, would it make sense to move to a monetary system in which each dollar represents a fixed amount of energy? Would such monetary policy push us toward reliable and renewable energy sources... would everyone buy solar panels in some futuristic version of a gold rush? I'm just curious to see what Slashdot readers, especially those with an economic background, have to say."

Submission + - Jet From Black Hole Blasts Neighboring Galaxy (washingtonpost.com)

An anonymous reader writes: A jet of highly charged radiation from a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy is blasting another galaxy nearby — an act of galactic violence that astronomers said yesterday they have never seen before. "What we've identified is an act of violence by a black hole, with an unfortunate nearby galaxy in the line of fire," said Dan Evans, the study leader at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge. He said any planets orbiting the stars of the smaller galaxy would be dramatically affected, and any life forms would likely die as the jet's radiation transformed the planets' atmosphere.

The Transistor's 60th Birthday 185

Apple Acolyte sends in a Forbes piece noting the 60th birthday of the transistor on Dec, 16. For the occasion the AP provides the obligatory Moore's-Law-is-ending, no-it-isn't article. From Forbes: "Sixty years ago, on Dec. 16, 1947, three physicists at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., built the world's first transistor. William Shockley, John Bardeen and William Brattain had been looking for a semiconductor amplifier to take the place of the vacuum tubes that made radios and other electronics so impossibly bulky, hot and power hungry."

Submission + - Why Everyone Should Hate Cellphone Carriers (wired.com) 2

The Byelorrusian Spamtrap writes: "Wired Magazine's made its position clear on the state of play in America's cellular industry, delivering a long, satisfying screed on why all of us should stop complaining and do something about it. Legislation is under consideration in congress to heavily regulate carriers, and it wants you to support it: contact your critter today!"

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