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Comment We are too primitive, Aliens can't be bothered (Score 1) 315

Other civilizations have seen we are still so primitive we murder each other over tiny differences in beliefs in myths and fairy tales. We are clearly not worth the trouble. We have been isolated optically, so we cannot see the rest of the universe. Since the primates have failed, maybe another more intelligent species will rise after we destroy ourselves. Cephalopods maybe?

Comment Real Estate grab (Score 1) 194

Was it all just billionaires paying politicians to approve terrible policies that push up crime and push down real estate prices? Now that they've bought large chunks of the cities at a discount, they've instructed the politicians to revert back to tough-on-crime policies, to push real estate values back up. I know this sounds ridiculous, but there were definitely some very rich people funding far left politicians and you can be sure they expect to benefit from it in some way. I probably need more tinfoil.

Comment Extinction of AI companies (Score 1) 139

Algorithmic pattern recognition, doing matrix algebra really fast, will never be anything even remotely close to "AI." You can scale it up to the size of the planet and it doesn't matter - it is just an abacus made of silicon transistors. Consciousness is not computational.

Comment SOC made with ASML machines (Score 1) 33

Luckily for SMIC, they were able to buy large amounts of Western fabrication machines before the world became aware of Xi's true face. This is not a technology they can just copy - even ASML can only achieve this with the collaboration of several different countries on hardware and software. Huawei will be perpetually stuck in pre-2019 technology.

Comment AGI = nope (Score 1) 53

Our simple binary computers are purely algorithmic, no matter how big the scale, and will never achieve anything even remotely like AGI. Until there is a major break through with a new type of computing, we are just scaling up an abacus.

Comment The trust of a child... (Score 1) 242

Children instinctively trust their parents, absolutely, then the parents lie to them and tell them to believe in myths and fairy tales (religion). In some cultures (islam), they teach their children that it's their responsibility to force their beliefs onto all non-muslims and they even get extra points for murdering them. Not long ago, the christians did the same. Before that, the romans... This is the tragedy of our species. It's amazing we are not extinct already.

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