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Comment Re:There is no known physical process? (Score 1) 289

The problem with this argument is that said blocking object would need to somehow remain in between us and the star... and given how much we move (the earth’s revolution as well as the sun’s own movement) makes this unlikely unless it’s an enormously large object.

Also, while a few thousand missing stars were due to dust or imperfections on the old images, there are now over 100 stars whose disappearance cannot be explained. This is not an isolated incident.

Comment Re:What's the benefit (Score 1) 291

Try driving one... not for a block or two, I mean really drive one, and you'll see why they're so freaking awesome. Very few cars come close to being as responsive and communicative -- I bought mine 10 years ago and it still keeps impressing me. This is coming from a *driver* point of view... badge-whores need not apply.

Comment Re:The water will be gone (Score 1) 183

Sure it does.

If I'm reading this then:

a) I exist b) The event happened in my recent past.

That narrows it down to within a couple of dozen years from my point of view. That makes perfect sense to me.

So you don't understand cosmological terminology, then. "Now" means that whatever we see currently, regardless of how long ago it happened (i.e., regardless of distance), is occurring now.

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