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Comment Re:The Best Investment (Score 1) 45

I did not like that picture the first time I saw it because I thought it was an overly busy collage. Then I realized that it was one single picture. Finally I realized that if I stood outside at night and stretched out my arm as far as I can, my thumb nail would cover up enough sky to hold at least a dozen XDF pictures.

I don't think I've ever felt so small before or since that moment.

Comment Re:Fine logic (Score 1) 202

The previous price hike happened at the same time they announced that they were going to split the streaming service (Netflix) from the DVD by mail service (Kwikster?). There were going to be two different web sites, two different user accounts, and no integration between them. Fortunately, they realized that this was a stupid idea and cancelled it. I don't know why this isn't mentioned when reporters cover the backlash from their previous price increase. The split bothered me a whole lot more than the price increase.

Comment Re:Failing as a math teacher (Score 1) 114

That comment brought back a bad memory from a calc 2 course I took in college. The professor was ancient. On the first day of class he refered to a silent film actress who never was able to make it in the talkies.

One day he was going over a problem on the chalkboard. A student asked how the professor got from one line to the next. The professor threw up both hands and exclaimed that he'd never be able to cover the course material if he had to go over every trivial detail. He then angrilly filled up the entire chalkboard at the front of the classroom and half of the board on the side wall with the "trivial detail". You could have heard a pin drop, the entire class was stunned into silence. The professor clearly knew math, but he sure didn't know how to teach it to freshman. He was much too advanced.

Submission + - Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Expansion Pack - Better, Faster, More Fun (

MojoKid writes: In about six weeks, Blizzard will launch Reaper of Souls, the first expansion pack for Diablo 3. This new expansion comes with the usual slew of goodies — a new Act for the game, new quests, a new enchanting ability, and a new skill for each existing class, as well as a new Crusader class to experiment with. What's more important about Reaper of Souls is that it makes core changes to the way Diablo III feels and plays, changes that, in aggregate, have made the game a great deal more fun. Higher drop rates and the new Adventure Mode make it easy to leap into a game and run a quick dungeon or pair up with friends for an evening of demon carnage. If you liked the Paladin from Diablo II, you'll likely love the Crusader, and the two classes share a common storyline according to in-game lore. In addition, Reaper of Soul's new Adventure Mode is a great way to experience the game in small slices while still working towards rewards.

Comment Re:I believe that this is best described (Score 1) 888

A couple of months ago I read Consider Phlebas. I loved the setting which Banks created, but I didn't like the characters. They seemed generic, and I couldn't bring myself to care about them. How is the character development in the other books in the series? Does it get better, or is Banks mainly a world builder?

Comment Re:Be careful what you wish for... (Score 1) 535

Somehow you have missed the point of network neutrality. It has nothing to do with granting "the lowliest customer" the same bandwidth as the greatest. It is about making the ISP treat the same type of traffic the same regardless of source. Meaning that Time Warner (my ISP) can't charge me more for streaming video from Youtube or Netflix than they charge me for using their own streaming media service.

Comment Re:My goodness (Score 1) 417

You are right on. My high school social studies class taught us that Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" was an example of muckracking journalism. We didn't read the book, but only a short paragraph or two about the unsanitary conditions in the slaughterhouse. I decided to read the book for myself a few years later, and that's when I realized the real story was about how the workers were exploited as badly as the cattle. The bigger story about workers rights was completely ignored in high school.

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