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Comment Early Adoption (Score 1) 148

I early adopted the $1200 HTC Vive.

It sits in my closet collecting dust. The screen door effect is far too noticeable for me. Of course, newer iterations of VR have better resolution for less price.

Such are the risks one takes when you early adopt. Oh well, you only live once. It's fine to makes few mistakes along the way. Just learn from them and move on

Comment Reruns (Score 4, Interesting) 120

Why not make it easier to do reruns of movies?

I've gone to the movie theater for one of two reasons: it was an IMAX-worthy film (eg Dune and Bladerunner), or it was some kind of fan service (eg: several episodes of the restored ST: TNG series). Well, since an IMAX worthy film is maybe a once a year thing for me, why not have more fan service?

I've never seen the original Matrix in theaters. I'd happily pay for a ticket and a bag of overpriced popcorn to be able to do it.

Comment Re: Ugh (Score 1) 174

Well I've seen many nicely converted concrete industrial places. Granted, it's not ribbed like you get from concrete 3d printing but still.

I mean in the end, the concrete is replacing wood. If it's cheaper/faster to build up a house with with a giant concrete nozzle than to assemble wood, fair enough. Pour, attach whatever to hide the concrete, probably have to fuss a bit with door and window frames though.

Personally, I would have thought prefabricated parts would be even better. Just assemble a house with large concrete Lego bricks. *shrug*

Comment What's the problem? (Score 4, Insightful) 168

Age restrictions exist for a lot of things. Why should social media, a service that can easily become detrimental to an individual, especially a youth or teenager, not be age restricted? Gives the kids a chance to learn about social media, it's addictive qualities, and how to mitigate/deal with the negative consequences of social media.

Comment Re:WTF is "Spinning" (Score 1) 54

Spinning is what happens when you rotate around an axis. I believe in this context, it's an exercise where people spin around in an effort to "rebalance" their internal fluids.

> And what does chic "athleisure" mean?

Well, you know how people go out jogging wearing clothing? A subset of those people insist that their jogging clothing is more stylish than practical/utilitarian. Those are the same people who will not do various normal things out of fear of the chance of being judged by some higher socioeconomic individual.

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