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Comment Re:It's not stealing. (Score 1) 408

Somewhat questionable since CCH Canadian Ltd v Law Society of Upper Canada, 2004 SCC 13, [2004] 1 SCR 339 (Supreme Court of Canada). Basically, fair dealing rights (similar to fair use rights in the US) are to be treated as "user" rights -- what should, from the point of view of the user, their reasonable rights be? Hard to argue that they shouldn't assume they can access the Netflix library of any country if they are paying, except by an argument that it is technologically difficult. But, that's still not a great counter-argument (that it is challenging is not, in itself, a great counter-argument to user rights)...

Submission + - Canadian Supreme Court Delivers Huge Win For Internet Privacy (

An anonymous reader writes: For the past several months, many Canadians have been debating privacy reform, with the government moving forward on two bills involving Internet surveillance and expanded voluntary, warrantless disclosure of personal information. Today, the Supreme Court of Canada entered the debate and completely changed the discussion, issuing its long-awaited R. v. Spencer decision, which examined the legality of voluntary warrantless disclosure of basic subscriber information to law enforcement. Michael Geist summarizes the findings, noting that the unanimous decision included a strong endorsement of Internet privacy, emphasizing the privacy importance of subscriber information, the right to anonymity, and the need for police to obtain a warrant for subscriber information except in exigent circumstances or under a reasonable law.

Comment Re:Too bad (Score 5, Interesting) 277

I had the pleasure of having beer with Theo when he was in Edmonton, AB several years ago. He even refused to let me go to the ATM to grab cash; he bought the beer for me.

My only complaint about the guy was that he was way too smart, and I struggled to keep up with all the computing security things we discussed. Hardly the worst complaint to have about him :)

He just has zero patience for bullshit, and I think that's why people complain about his personality. If you ever get the opportunity to meet him in person, I believe you'd rethink this meme about him being an ass.

Submission + - Final Fantasy Done Quickly for Diabetes Research (

SpottedKuh writes: Members of the online speedgaming community Speed Demos Archive are currently gathered in Edmonton, Canada playing through 16 games from the Final Fantasy series back-to-back in a mere 96 hours. They are raising money for JDRF Canada, an organization dedicated to treating, curing, and preventing type 1 diabetes. So far, they have raised over $20,000 for JDRF, and there is still over a day to go in their marathon. Watch the marathon, purchase the commemorative t-shirts printed by The Yetee (with $3 of every shirt sale going to JDRF), join the chat, and donate to a great cause at

Submission + - Final Fantasy Done Quickly For Charity (

SpottedKuh writes: From 15-19 March 2013, members of speedgaming site Speed Demos Archive are gathered in Edmonton, Canada to speedrun games from the Final Fantasy series. They will play through 16 games from the Final Fantasy series, back to back, in approximately 96 hours, and the entire event will be streamed at live. They have tonnes of prizes to give away to donors, from classic video games to plush chocobos and moogles. All donations go to JDRF Canada, a charity dedicated to treating, curing, and preventing type 1 diabetes.

Comment Re:All that and he still only squeaked by (Score 1) 208

Because the monarch plays a limited but important role in government. It is her job to appoint a Prime Minister (not always trivial in a hung parliament); and, it's her decision whether to call an election, or to appoint a new PM from the current Commons should the government fall on a confidence motion.

You could eliminate the monarch...but then you'd just need to replace her with someone else who would do those jobs (call that person a president, chancellor, or whatever else you like). And what have you gained? (Aside from having to reprint all your currency, reissue passports to all your citizens, rewrite parts of your constitution, etc.).

Comment Re:Yeah well (Score 5, Informative) 208

Are you saying that there aren't local governments in the UK? Because that's not correct in the slightest.

Or are claiming that the landmass of a nation determines when it can be successful as a monarchy? Because Canada is larger than the US, and functions well enough with a queen and parliamentary system very similar to the UK.

Or are you claiming that it's population size that determines if a monarchy could work as a form of government? Claiming it doesn't scale with population is as ridiculous as claiming that counting ballots by hand doesn't scale in large populations -- the arguments just make no sense.

Comment Zapp Brannigan (Score 3, Funny) 618

Fry: Uh, just so we'll know, who's the enemy?

Brannigan: A valid question! We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like. But we can assume this: they stand for everything we don't stand for. Also they told me you guys look like dorks.

Comment Re:Open Access and Old Business Models (Score 1) 220

I'm curious - what do you suggest as a better way to compare 400 candidates applying for 4 jobs? Don't forget the most important constraint: you are not an expert in any of their fields.

And the other important constraint: you don't have infinite time to read material and seek out experts to determine the quality of their publications. It is unfortunate, and I wasn't trying to imply with my comment that there is some better way (or that I have any idea what a better way would look like).

But, I've found some amazing, insightful papers on the personal webpages of professors near retirement, who no longer care about the grind of publication. I've seen absolute crud (to the extent of being poorly plagiarized) in high-calibre conferences, and I've seen truly insightful work decried as pointless by one of the "old boys' clubs" that run some of the high-calibre conferences. I'm not saying I have a fix; I'm just saying that the perceived "value" of a venue isn't reflective of the quality of work in that venue relative to other places.

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