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Comment It was some MBA product manager's promotion projec (Score 1) 13

Big tech is promotion obsessed. And as these companies grow they attract non-technical MBA armies who need to show value and are obsessed with ladder-climbing and promotion. Then projects like this are created. Google has 1 big fat money-making advertising business... and then some side-hobbies.

Comment Re:Recursive? No, very iterative. (Score 0) 622

A language can't be fast or slow, that's up to the platform. I can compile java the language into a binary. Likewise I can run a C app in real mode DOS that requires expanded memory access and it would be very slow compared to an platform that has access to 64 bits of memory.

Comment Don't be a dumbass (Score 0) 416

You can't go through life as a condescending a-hole thinking everyone is an illiterate this or an idiot that. People skills are part of solving problems for people. It sounds like you're in the wrong career. You need to be in something where you will not come into contact with other people.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 348

They don't any more. At most startup companies they can't afford a typical bureaucratic IT department. Many use cloud hosting to avoid up-front cap-ex in terms of data centers and the people that work in them. Developers are typically managing their own servers, their own NOSQL cluster, they bring their own iPhones, gPhones, xPads, etc. People are becoming increasingly more comfortable with technology and old-school IT departments are no longer enablers, but barriers as their mindsets and their technology pale in comparison to the consumer sector.

Comment Re:Great a new boom. (Score 0) 253

People like to pretend that CS grads are working on operating systems kernels and developing new algorithms, but the reality is that most people on a day-to-day basis are working on a typical line-of-business record keeping system with reports that used to be done in Excel.

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