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Comment Re: Sadistic (Score 1) 236

Dear Head in Clouds,

Having a GoDaddy salary, large or not, does not mean the five other unemployed adults under your roof are not feeding off that solitary stream of income, generating the stress and hardship that urged them to click on an email from management discussing extra money.

With my feet on the ground,
Non-lonely, Non-jerk

Comment Re:Not AR, another info sink for your info (Score 1) 34

Someone may appreciate the details you gave, so they do not have to look at the articles or website.

I do not pay homage to the fruit under glass gods. A closed sourced application, using AI, on hardware running software from advertising businesses, is never doing only the parts they publish to you. You cannot say when the data collection starts or stops when it is running. It can change 100s of times in minor ways, with the unattended updates and any remote access for code or data, to validate and invalidate anything you say it does or does not do. That does not even consider the base functions provided by the App stores, and the OSes, that make up the mundane portions of it's final code, which also collects and passes the users' information, connecting it with the images and owners.

Their app even has you pushing their product, using their own advert material, making you just as much a part of this advertising industry as they are. That may be fine for you. A Polaroid and scissors would be better for me. Next, someone will be telling me the gesture control radar on the new smart thermostats are not there to map the room and items within, and to monitor the number of trips family members walk by, sorting by height and weight.

Analytics starts with an appropriate four letter word for this arena.

Comment Re:Not AR, another info sink for your info (Score 1) 34

So it uses your own camera app to get that still shot? Did not appear so in the example video. AR is not still shot. It is enhanced live view. That means it has the current view from the lens at the time of the picture click, as well as before and after that click. The twinkle animation of the targeting three dots represents the AI processing time maybe the only time you seem to believe it is looking at something. Even the pasted image holds across the screen as you place it's final destination. My stock camera app does not do that.

PT Barnum would be proud.

Comment Not AR, another info sink for your info (Score 1) 34

This is a pile of things. This feeds pictures to their AI, allowing it to get better at identifying people/places/things from images, as new samples are always needed. It also adds the items to things of interest to you on your file. It will lead to ads being presented to you from many sources for items you seem to like/use, as if you always need more, or at least need their version of it.

Locations of the items and photographer are in the meta data. This is video, instead of static pictures to allow different angles to be consumed by the AI, mixed with a wide range of unaffiliated items/people from your surroundings.

Do not feed the animals. (Nor their creations.)

Comment Stick your ManDate (Score 1) 149

Stop buying crap designs, and they would still be features.

You yourself are the only one that change things. Every one of you, yourselves.

Keep buying garbage, they will make garbage suitable only for their income, instead of things people need. Cameras would still be just cameras; phones would be just phones; Internet tablets would be just be tablets. Standards, modularity, and repair have all died because you and yours keep buying disposable, self-destructing, half broken, untested, non-quality items.

Comment PBX (Asterisk) (Score 1) 108

The Android apps included PBX like control of the cellphone when they were not tied down to full spectrum ads. You could write rules to route any call, to anywhere, or nowhere. Spies do not like you to have control.
My home PBX has the only number I share with anyone. Calls can be passed immediately to my cell, voice mail in my PBX, or high pitched noises. My cell only has to be called, and ring-able by my home PBX. The VM number on the phone busy-forward is not there, so when ignored, they cannot leave messages, especially not on equipment that is not mine. All it took was dual line voip, and the most basic of cell service. There is an extension to dial to block 10 digits on the last caller, 6 digits for those that try to mimic a number near yours, and 3 digit area codes for areas you never call.

Sad, by I even added a *68 function to start playing "Never gonna let you down" to callers that annoy me after I take the call.

With voip only app usage on the cell, the calls are only traffic on data, with no cell usage, and all calls can appear to come from the same home phone. Wi-fi only home voip. Even the home voip phones can dial an internal extension to get the cell or the other way around. Call stats and logs are also almost useless from the cell side of things.

Comment Killer Coupons (Score 1) 132

So I should take my phone with my app over to see your cameras, and scan them into my app. Report with the app, these, my scanned camera list of my hardware was all stolen. Please disable it, if you cannot melt them on top of the perpetrator in possession of them.

But they were mine, you attempt to say. No, no. You sold them to me, and stole them back, to repeat with more victims.

Have a paper weight. They would not waste money on a department of humans to sort out the messy tales. They will just disable, and give you a coupon.

Comment Re:Expect vs. Care (Score 1) 185

It is UNLIKE elections. Someone other than you turns against your privacy by sharing their contact list with your details. Then that same person takes pictures of you, and the things you do, writing names and descriptions with the pics. They talk or text about you.

You find this out, or just realize what others are doing to you on your own if lucky, and you decide whether it is worth your time and effort to keep other things to yourself instead of spreading to your devices. Most think the effort is too much, or it is just too late to decide differently.

Now, when it happened to me? I told "them", they do not respect me nor my privacy, and will be without me for the remainder. The only thing that changed was the count of people that I could even attempt to call friends went down. That was the goal. You cannot team up against the ruling class if you hate everyone around you, and cannot trust them as far as you can throw them. See something, say something, type something into your phones. Just not to people anymore.

Comment Re:Ownership (Score 1) 357

My email is on my email server with IMAP access from my desktops, next to my PBX housing all my voice-mail, call recordings, and blocklist of numbers that will never reach a phone to ring, beside my TV computer running my bash and vlc DVR with quad tuners getting free 1080i local HD using my hard disks.

Comment Re:Why would anybody trust a mobile listening devi (Score 1) 153

You went from telling of the concerns and danger of the collectors' toys, to arguing there is no danger "if you're smart", within a few exchanges with the AC. You even flustered your response, seething hate, but not actually saying anything more that was useful.

The collector is not one party, as everyone collects their little parts. The pile, and "the everything" is not a single collection. However, telling a questioning person, that does not seem to have a grip on how anything works, to go ahead and use the broken toys, is not a plan for the future. It was that geek excitement that got the idiots of the world interested in those dangerous things, before they were ready, much less safe.

You say everything is not saved, but you have no clue what is, and isn;t kept and for how long by any party, including the chips on your devices that cannot really delete completely. You disbelieve the government entities keep encrypted streams off the backbone lines, as long as they can, hoping to break it one day, but allowing parties to be connected while unreadable. All of that is nothing. Due to the various, and even innocuous, data being kept, something within it will become at least embarrassing, and possibly illegal, in the future near enough to cause you or someone you care for, pain, suffering, or time.

You think your computer and security activities and interests, make you all knowing, but they make you dangerous when seen by others. Slow down your roll. Your one liner responses seem to say you have a bit of stress built up, and it is affecting your responses. Don't add more over this.

Comment Re:Why would anybody trust a mobile listening devi (Score 1) 153

You give them more detail of the inner workings of you, when you play with their broken toys. You are mapping out more of your tiny little brain by trying to fool the collection pile. Think you can outsmart a pile? They are not looking at your data live, while you are inputting or taking actions. They collect the everything. They process what is in it, from every direction, once they finally gain interest in you. (thinking "Eww, I will search for "cats" at midnight, that will fool them. They will totally not know, and will think I like cats." They find later, "yeah, he searched for cats trying to play or something. It was his adjusted typing profile, and twenty seconds after he used his password on twitser. He also kept holding it at the same height in the air.)

It is due to way-too-smart-for-everyone rubes like you that bought the broken tech toys, allowing the collectors to mass produce, instead of waiting for the discussion on data safety.

Your little quirks and habits will stand out in the data, like your bad breath, and non-wiped bottom. Not like hygiene is expected with people like you that don't care about that with which you touch and play.

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